Mail Outbox

I often got worried if I really sent the money or some super item to whom i planned to... And since I haven't found any addon tracking sent mails, I started to write this one...

Addon links sent mail info into chat frame (with item summary, subject, etc..) and keeps history which you can show by /mailoutbox history command (yeah you can open many and compare, check, sort..each separately). You can click column headers to sort view a bit. And there is a config page with a bit of settings... As I am pretty inexperienced with wow GUI programming please report any and all crazy behavior i could have created or omitted... (the bug tracker is good place to do so)

BTW, I am developing this addon for fun and cause I like to do so, but sure, if you were feeeling some small donation would be working incentive, well you would be bit right


1.5.0.release: WoD ToC updates, all libraries updated, moved broker testing to ChocolateBar Broker Display instead of Titan panel

1.4.1.release Minor fixes, added currency and token tracking

1.4.0.release Simple toc update

1.3.1.release: Added bit of coloring to outgoing mail recipient, name gets red if you ignore him and green if you sent more then 5 mails to him already, white other times

1.3.0.release: Updates for MoP

1.2.2.release: Small changes to gold tracking

1.2.1.release: Small bugfixes, small ah info code

1.2.0.release: All seem working fine atm, but pls report any strange behavioral problems

1.1.8.beta: I added checks for missing Item links

1.1.7.beta: I have added bit of Lib Data code, so you can get its button on Titan panel (or others)..but well it is first time so it can be buggy

1.1.6.beta: Hotfixed nil returned as Item count on inbox mails (it seems it returns 0 sometimes and nil sometimes)

1.1.5.beta: Added basic tracking of incoming mails. They get logged first time you read them.


  • better sorting
  • list filtering
  • old mail archiving
  • even older mail deleting
  • more compact item view in list
  • make item links in list to link properly :(
  • proper window resizing

I know first step is not a big leap..but tbh even having basic info in chat frame about mail i sent is great :) I hope to get it more intelligent and useful but this is start..ATM addon just writes time, receiver and subject of mail after sending


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 13, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 15, 2014
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