
What it does

Keeps track of your reagents for buffing.

Korean (koKR)

소모성 재료의 수량을 확인합니다.

Russian (ruRU)

Отслеживает количество реагентов для баффов.

Simplified Chinese (zhCN)


Traditional Chinese (zhTW)


Where to get it

How to get it to work

Install FuBar, and it will anchor to the FuBar window. All options are configured via the FuBar menu.

Bug Reports

Please use the WoW Ace tracker to file bug reports. Posting bugs in the comments is not the place to do it.

Wish List

Please use the WoW Ace tracker to add suggestions and feature requests.

Bug Reporting

Please use the WoW Ace tracker to file bug reports.


I have setup a donation site via Pledgie. Feel free to donate if you like this mod. I have put countless hours of time and effort into it along with many people who have helped me. I did not write this mod with the intent to make any money from it. I wrote it to help me with some needs that I saw in-game, and well with requests and my goal to make it filled with information it's become a massive project.

If you don't wish to donate money feel free to consider one of the following methods which may be more suitable:

  • Volunteer time at your local animal shelter such as the Society for Prevention of Cruelty for Animals (SPCA) or drop a few bucks off for them. If you do this, please let me know.
  • Send me some UDE Points. These points are obtained from the World of Warcraft TCG and Mini game.
  • Send some gold to one of the authors in-game or help out with some achievements, or even send a message saying thanks. :)
    • Ackis Thunderlord (US) Ackis
      • Ackis is currently looking for a guild (along with his girlfriend). We're looking for a guild which has competent people that can progress through the hard modes, aren't full of themselves and raids somewhat casually (2-3 nights a week).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 30, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Dec 9, 2009
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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