Better autobuff handling in laggy situations, if it thinks it should buff something when in fact the same buff has just been sent but not yet cast, then the queued buff is cleared when it's cast successfully.
Fixed dewdrop nil error when moving about/help frame.
Much cleaner handling of keybindings. Will no longer overwrite your keybindings at any time, and actions will passthrough to existing bindings. For example, if mousewheel buffing enabled, then your WOW binding for mousewheel up or down are executed, isntead of assuming camera zoom.
Will no longer switch between selected aura and Crusader aura when the Not When Mounted option is disabled.
Will no longer occasionally change blessings thinking you have changed talents when you have just zoned.
Throttle talent re-checks to 5 seconds to help with talent point spending spam from Talented.
Fix UnitName() error during a roster update in raid popup.