Supported WoW Retail Versions
- No longer requires Babble-Spell. Please report any incorrect icons/spell names.
- Earth Shield stacks from 10 to 6.
- Fixed rogue poisons not showning up in menus when item cache is empty.
- PP module will always send a ZOMG message before a PP message to help avoid confusion with ZOMG PP modules.
- Talent changes now detected more reliably.
- Manager will now pick up your own talent changes, as well as other palas.
- Manager will highlight errors for paladins assigned with invalid blessings.
- Fixed zhCN "Wild Quilvine" in reagents.
- Fixed LibSharedMedia-3 external.
- Fixed UnitIsUnit bug with Spell Tracker.
- Auto-group assignment defaults to off now. Needs a rethink.
- Weapon enchant checking fix.
- Global Option to use shorter spell names in messages when possible and sensible to do so.
- Spell notices more consistant over modules.
- Fixed save/restore of keybindings with regards to setting mousewheel buffing.
- Spell icons will now only appear with info messages due for chat/sink output.
- Fixed talent querying stuff.
- Fixed error with Spell Tracker icons after hiding the UI.
- Fixed icon size for spell need messages.
- Fixed format error in bufftehraid.
- TOC Bump.
- A few tables that weren't being recycled properly are now.
- Drag'n'Drop in the Manager will now grey out invalid drop targets (Optional and requires support of graphics card).
- Will no longer try to Spell Track a player who has left the raid when you enable this option.
- Can now set a key binding for the Spell Tracker (FIRST icon only).
- Won't wait for members for blesings if they're out of the defined group range in manager.
- Exception icons in combat should now only be fully visible if the player is alive, and buffable.
- Exceptions menu in Manager will now show correct selection of current buffs.
- Reagent reminder will work for single cast spells now too (Water Walking etc on Shaman), suffixed on existing info line.
- Spell Tracker will behave more sensibly when a buff target moves out of range (Will keep timer ticking).
- Spell Tracker will highlight bright red if the click target is not the same as intended tracking target, because of in-combat change.
- ZOMGBuffs: Fixed error when trying to enable weapon enchants in Self Buffs module.
- Tweaked OptDefs.
- Added LibSink-2.0 to externals, modules.xml, OptDefs.
- Fixed nil error in SelfBuffs module when setting default expiry prelude to zero.
- Bumped the compat version for manager to 65478 to highlight people that will be subject to the bug fixed on that release.
- Fixed a rare startup bug in Manager if start not complete when Paladins in raid were changing templates.