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UploadedMay 29, 2008
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
r75528 | kurax | 2008-05-30 01:35:41 -0400 (Fri, 30 May 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/Locales/localization.zhCN.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Update zhCN locale
r75360 | zeksie | 2008-05-28 10:48:50 -0400 (Wed, 28 May 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/Locales/localization.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua
- Fixed a couple of display issues with the raid popup list. Sorry for delay commiting this. Senility kicking in.
r74677 | kurax | 2008-05-21 14:14:10 -0400 (Wed, 21 May 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/Locales/localization.zhCN.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/Locales/localization.zhCN.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Update zhCN locale
r74413 | zeksie | 2008-05-19 08:03:21 -0400 (Mon, 19 May 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua
- Fixed reagent count being 1 too few.
- Fixed small rare error in Blessings module.
r74102 | zeksie | 2008-05-16 19:50:32 -0400 (Fri, 16 May 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua
- Possible fix for blessings lazyness (sometimes not buffing).
- No more duplicate reagent use messages please.
r74049 | zeksie | 2008-05-16 06:06:13 -0400 (Fri, 16 May 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Now checks if a reagent is actually used before reporting current count.
r73967 | zeksie | 2008-05-15 10:50:21 -0400 (Thu, 15 May 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua
- Reordered self buffs init to fix a menu problem.
- Also checks IsFlying() and considers this as mounted and will obey the Not When Mounted rule for buffing.
- Adjusted the popup raid list buff bar anchor, which should fix the large font problem and overlapping bit.
r73501 | zeksie | 2008-05-11 17:02:20 -0400 (Sun, 11 May 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Applied same anti griefing code to ZOMGBuffs proper (just in case someone gets it into their head to be a dick).
r73498 | zeksie | 2008-05-11 16:28:49 -0400 (Sun, 11 May 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsPP/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsPP.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Fix for the griefing macro that disconnects PP users. Won't affect ZOMG any more. Drycode.
r73261 | zeksie | 2008-05-09 21:01:08 -0400 (Fri, 09 May 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings.toc
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager.toc
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.toc
- Improved tooltip spell formatting from raid popup units.
- Removed erroneous references to Babble-2.2 from some toc files.
r72456 | zeksie | 2008-05-02 16:19:04 -0400 (Fri, 02 May 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager.lua
ZOMGBuffs: Blessings Manager will now show the first 3 exceptions for a cell as was intended initially.
r72426 | zeksie | 2008-05-02 11:10:52 -0400 (Fri, 02 May 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/Locales/localization.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua
- Fix for spamming a reagent vendor that would sometimes perform the reagent purchase multiple times.
- New option to only cast single buffs in arenas.
- Will not try to validate templates when recently zoned, as this can cause invalid spell available information and blank out templates.
r72194 | zeksie | 2008-04-30 12:19:57 -0400 (Wed, 30 Apr 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings/ZOMGBuffs_Blessings.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/Locales/localization.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager.lua
M /trunk/ZOMGBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid/ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua
- Blessings Manager class splits selection now has a tickbox to enable use of guild roster members, when enabled you can select which ranks should appear in the splits.