command line load settings option #7

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to polyhydride
  • _ForgeUser356201 created this issue Sep 9, 2011

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Utilize a command line argument for loading a profile - other addons that do this use a command line like /[addon] profile choose [ProfileName]

    Please provide any additional information below.
    The current interface is great and quick, but when copying the same settings across 10x toons on a server and having to click here to open the config panel, then click here to select a profile, then click here to load the profile then click the close window button, then click another addon to open the config panel, then profiles tab, then click the profile, then click load addon, this becomes a tedious task among 10-15 addons that need to be copied.

    For those that are resetting their ui for various reasons (reinstalling wow being a major one), it would be nice to configure all the addons on a single toon, save the custom profile, create a macro with the various command lines needed, then just use the macro on the other toons to load all the profiles with a single macro button.

    Example macro:
    /addon1 profile choose Main
    /addon2 profile choose Main
    /addon3 profile choose Main
    /addon4 profile choose Main
    /addon5 profile choose Main

  • _ForgeUser356201 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 9, 2011

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