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  • Uploaded
    Dec 9, 2009
  • Size
    207.99 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.0


    - Fix for changes in Ace3 meaning the config would no longer open.
    - Updated TOC for 3.3. Added forgotten AceLocale-3.0 to pkgmeta.
    - Code to make rep menu not go off the edge of the screen.
    - Make rep menu anchor to cursor position along the XP bar.
    - Make sure to refresh the XP bar after changing profiles.
    - Change stepping for LQT scale and make LQT use those settings.
    - Fix rest indication.
    - Localise some more strings. Add config for the rep menu.
    - Slightly change the default profile.
    - Fix profile support. Fix issue with :SetWidth.
    - Fix auto watching rep.
    - More font fixes.
    - Make font options work. Another fix for weird font issues in rep menu.
    - Change to new embeds.
    - Change koKR for Ace3
    - Include new libs in .pkgmeta
    - Fix issue with hint/header fonts randomly changing.
    - Upgrade to Ace3.

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