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UploadedAug 25, 2024
Size8.59 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 11.0.2
Supported WoW Cataclysm Classic Versions
- 4.4.0
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.15.3
5.16.1-16-gbd6cd3ae (2024-08-25)
InfusOnWoW (9):
- Item Count: Add support for reagent/account bank api
- Fix lua errors with progressSources after trigger moving
- Zone Names/Zone Ids, etc: Add - for negation
- BT2: Enable hostility check for group units too
- Spell Triggers: Handle spell names similar to before
- BT2: Add Bleed type via LibDispel
- Options: Allow or searching via " or " and "|"
- Options: Update shape shift combobox if the shape shift data changed
- Totem Trigger: Implement an icon check
emptyrivers (6):
- upgrade cachebuild priority if building & there's a cache miss
- more improvements to spell cache thread
- defer snapshots out of login process
- make spellCache a background task
- supercharge dynFrame
- improve build advertisement
mrbuds (1):
- Workaround C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByIndex returning nil when it shouldn't