Elipsis on Tankpoints # #16

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to whitetooth3
  • _ForgeUser3270964 created this issue Sep 15, 2009

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. If you have a certain (moderate) number of tankpoints, the tankpoints number shows part of the number and then ... rather than the full number.  My number is in the 170k range and it happens.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    It should be showing the whole number, but there is not enough room in the field.

    What version of the product are you using?
    Latest - Sept 1 2009 release, 2.8.4.

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below:

    Fixable by widening the x= values in the form overall and the elements in it.
    New values in TankPointsCalculator.XML:
    Line 189 x=75   (was 50)
    Line 317 x=75   (was 50)
    Line 338 x=75   (was 50)
    Line 357 x=450  (was 400)
    Line 443 x=410  (was 360)
    Line 503 x=410  (was 360)
    Line 570 x=385  (was 360)
    Line 746 x=385  (was 360)

    With these values, the form is a bit wider, but it seems to show the numbers properly.

  • _ForgeUser3270964 added the tags New Defect Sep 15, 2009

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