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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Log on. Click the Spyglass option to "Store Data" in the FuBar dropdown menu. 2. Inspect someone (level 70+). 3. Mouse over the inspected person's equipment, then click the tabs at the bottom of the inspect frame ("PvP", "Talents"). 4. Log off then on again. Leftclick a name of a previous character inspected in the FuBar dropdown menu.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected: no problems. The character you click should show up with full equipment, stats and PvP/talent info saved showing. Instead: the characters are not saved properly at all. Click a character and the inspection frame opens. But it incorrectly shows _your_ current character's name, level & equipment (no mouse-over tooltips on that equipment, either).
As well, on the main frame under the "Bonus Summary" header, it doesn't show the recorded stats of the clicked character. Instead it shows two words: "left" & "right". Finally, no PvP or talent info is saved; those pages for all saved characters are blank.
This issue occurs when clicking any saved character after relogging.
What version of the product are you using? r53
Do you have an error log of what happened? No errors.
Please provide any additional information below. USEnglish client/server, WoW 3.1.1 live. Disembedded updated libs, except for (the outdated, included) ItemBonusLib-1.0.lua. No saved variables on first logon with r53. Not using any other inspection mods (TipTacTalents or anything else).
Stopped using this long ago when the bugs continued to pile up and it became abandoned. Tested r53 hoping things were back to usability. Not really.
The one function of this that used to work long ago and made it more useful than a more limited (but bug-free) inspection mod like Snoopy was it ability to save inspected characters for later reference. That function currently doesn't work at all.
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