<magefood> substitution #147

  • Accepted
  • rismisner created this issue Dec 24, 2010

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    A new substitution value <magefood> which evaluates to "cake" at 85, "strudel" at 80, and "biscuits" at 70 (possibly with support for the lower level non-table food conjuring spells).

    Please provide any additional information below.

    The kind of food that a mage conjures depends on the mage's level.  Ritual of Refreshment produces cake at 85, strudel at 80, and biscuits at 70, with non-ritual food and water conjuring spells producing various pastries at lower levels.

    In the past (prior to WoW 4.0) SpeakinSpell supported different speeches for different kinds of food by triggering on the different ranks of the spells.  After WoW 4.0, the spell is the same at all levels, and the results depend on the caster's level instead of the spell's rank.  This means that the speeches you've enjoyed for Strudel tables from levels 80 to 84 suddenly become wrong at level 85 when your tables conjure Cake instead.

    This is inspired by ticket 146: http://www.wowace.com/addons/speakinspell/tickets/146-strudel-to-cake/ which is a simple content change to assume level 85 mage tables in the default speeches... but more ideal default speeches should be flexible enough to support understanding how this works and leveling up with you using <magefood> substitutions to automatically transition from biscuits to strudel to cake.

  • rismisner added the tags Accepted Enhancment Dec 24, 2010
  • rismisner removed their assignment Jan 16, 2013
  • rismisner assigned issue to _ForgeUser228323 Jan 16, 2013
  • rismisner posted a comment Jan 16, 2013

    I'm re-assigning all my tickets to Duerma

  • rismisner unassigned issue from _ForgeUser228323 May 7, 2015
  • rismisner posted a comment May 7, 2015

    Unassigning tickets that are not actively being worked on

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