please add more indicators to target of target frame #907

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to shadowed103
  • _ForgeUser22223847 created this issue Oct 18, 2015

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    i have what i think is a very powerful macro, which at the press of a button heals my target's target. If the target is not friendly, it heals me instead. This macro saves me a lot of time on targeting and i find it very useful. The problem is that often I have no idea if my target's target is friendly (in my faction) or not, and i end up just wasting time using this macro.

    If the Horde/Alliance indicator (which is available for the player frame and the target frame) was available for the Target of Target frame, this problem would solve itself, and I would love you forever and ever. Thanks for your time.

  • _ForgeUser22223847 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 18, 2015

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