Raid pets anchor issue #703

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to shadowed103
  • Jagscorpion created this issue Apr 24, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Anchor raid pets to raid frames
    2. Set raid frames to "separate raid frames"
    3. Change the anchor settings around for Raid pets

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Raid pets are expected to anchor to the visible raid frames, instead they anchor to where the frames WOULD be if "separate raid frames" were not checked.

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • Jagscorpion added the tags New Defect Apr 24, 2014
  • Shadowed103 posted a comment Apr 24, 2014

    Doing a /console reloadui fixes this correct? So it's only an issue when doing a config change.

  • Jagscorpion posted a comment Apr 25, 2014

    @Shadowed: Go

    it fixes it in some ways, but the raid pet frames behave strangely, for example, I made a "separated" raid frames config 2 columns wide, and the non separated config 4 columns wide. Non-separated, the left edge of the raid pets frame is flush with the far right edge of the right-most column, switching to separate raid frames and /rl results in the left edge of the raid pets frame being flush with the left edge of the leftmost raid frame, in essence 3/4ths of the raid pets are competing for space. It's like it forgot where the top right anchor is supposed to be, not to mention that it's difficult to configure if every change needs a /rl

    In addition, when joining a raid the pet frames seem to have the same difficulty, either ending up smudged into the raid windows, or super far outside them. Trying to put up screenshots, but imggur is not being nice

  • Jagscorpion posted a comment Apr 25, 2014

    Raid(A)Pet Raid Raid _ (?)RPaeitd Raid Raid

    tried to do a text diagram, but formatting messed that up, heh In both cases the anchor is supposed to be right top "A", but in the 2nd case it seems to revert to (?) even though the raid pet frame still shows "right top"

    something else I just noticed, with separate raid frames, changing the anchor position doesn't have the slightest effect even after a /rl. I wouldn't worry so much, and just go with the NON separated raid frames except it just doesn't seem to work well with a changing number of people in raid, such as a bg filling up

    Edited Apr 25, 2014
  • Shadowed103 posted a comment Apr 26, 2014

    Can you provide a SS of this? Would make it slightly easier to visualize as these kind of issues are a pain to replicate.

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