Getting LUA issue related to auras #1988

  • Felinae_OCE created this issue Jun 4, 2023

    In Aberrus




    6x ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:236: attempt to index local 'indicator' (a nil value)
    [string "@ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua"]:236: in function `UpdateIndicators'
    [string "@ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua"]:286: in function `?'
    [string "@ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua"]:214: in function <ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:211>

    self = <table> {
    OnDisable = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:40
    UpdateIndicators = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:206
    auraConfig = <table> {
    OnEnable = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:29
    OnLayoutApplied = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:45
    moduleKey = "auraIndicators"
    moduleName = "Aura indicators"
    UpdateAuras = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/auraindicators.lua:241
    auraFilters = <table> {
    frame = SUFHeaderraidUnitButton6 {
    highFrame = Frame {
    OnEnter = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:670
    UnregisterAll = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:145
    OnBackdropLoaded = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
    GetBackdropColor = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:390
    powerBar = StatusBar {
    ClearBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:282
    unitType = "raid"
    ignoreAnchor = true
    indicators = Frame {
    unitInitialized = true
    range = Frame {
    unit = "raid6"
    ReregisterUnitEvents = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:41
    SetupTextureCoordinates = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:214
    HasBackdropInfo = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:278
    RegisterUnitEvent = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:112
    fontStrings = <table> {
    GetEdgeSize = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:188
    TopEdge = Texture {
    unitOwner = "raid6"
    fullUpdates = <table> {
    UnregisterUpdateFunc = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:135
    incHeal = StatusBar {
    FullUpdate = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:33
    LeftEdge = Texture {
    registeredEvents = <table> {
    UnitClassToken = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:685
    TopLeftCorner = Texture {
    RegisterNormalEvent = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:62
    SetVisibility = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:246
    topFrameLevel = 5
    ApplyBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:294
    SetBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:329
    GetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:409
    GetBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:347
    SetRangeAlpha = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:179
    visibility = <table> {
    SetBorderBlendMode = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:266
    isDead = false
    unitGUID = "Player-3726-0A8E4730"
    Center = Texture {
    RightEdge = Texture {
    unitRealType = "raid"
    CalculateAction = <function> defined @FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:609
    OnLeave = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:678
    BottomEdge = Texture {
    0 = <userdata>
    backdropInfo = <table> {
    OnBackdropSizeChanged = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:182
    unitID = 6
    auraIndicators = Frame {
    SetBarColor = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:187
    BottomRightCorner = Texture {
    SetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:422
    BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
    healthBar = StatusBar {
    TopRightCorner = Texture {
    RegisterUpdateFunc = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:118
    UnregisterSingleEvent = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:95
    DisableRangeAlpha = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/units.lua:171
    SetBlockColor = <function> defined @ShadowedUnitFrames/modules/

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