Curable Spells doesn't handle Evokers or the new talent system #1920

  • Defect
  • Zaccin created this issue Jan 4, 2023

    Evokers haven't been entered into the curableSpells table in units.lua. I've looked up the details and what needs to be added in is:

        ["EVOKER"] = {[365585] = {"Poison"}, [360823] = {"Magic", "Poison"}, [374251] = {"Poison", "Curse", "Disease"}}
    Also, checkCurableSpells() is not being called on talent changes, so speccing in or out of a dispel ability doesn't trigger a refresh of your curable spells (I'm having to /reload to make it update). I've fixed this locally by registering the event SPELLS_CHANGED and adding that to the section for monitoring talent changes - I'm not 100% certain if there's another event which might be preferable to use (TRAIT_CONFIG_UPDATED and SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE fire off at the end of changing talents too, as well as a few more generic looking ones, and idk what each is for so any of them could be a better call) but this one seems to work.
  • Zaccin added a tag Defect Jan 4, 2023
  • Zaccin edited description Jan 4, 2023
  • neko_asami posted a comment Jan 5, 2023

    yes pls this is so annoying, need to be fixed


  • Nekokat76 posted a comment Jan 7, 2023

    Yes please that would be great. Would also like to be able to see reversion and echo when it's casted on a target. Thank you :)

  • nevcairiel closed issue Feb 12, 2023

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