SUF breaking objective tracker position in Torghast #1711

  • xodiv created this issue Oct 9, 2021

    Example screenshot:


    To reproduce:


    Install SUF with default config. No other addons.

    Open options > Hide Blizzard > Untick "Hide player frames"

    Go into Torghast.



    his is actually MUCH MUCH weirder than it seems. I got this as a bug on my addon LiteMount interfering with SUF, but the problem is somehow to do with SUF and other frames registering PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD. I can't figure out the exact trigger, but the display issue comes and goes with fewer or more frames registering that event.


    For example, it will also trigger if you leave the hide player option ticked, but create any single other frame that registers the event. E.g., just put this at the top of ShadowedUnitFrames.lua





    I have no idea what's causing this, but this is as far as I can get before I have to hand it over to you.

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