Frame positions not saving #1219

  • Defect
  • Koskun created this issue Mar 15, 2019

    I've uninstalled and reinstalled the addon at least 3 times now trying to fix this.


    I set the position I want for Player, Pet, Target, Target of Target, Party, Raid, and Boss (these are the ones I use), and the position is not saved. 


    When I /reload (using /reload is faster than logging out and back in, hence why I used that, but this also happens if I log out or quit out and relaunch), the position for Raid, Pet, Target of Target are all reset to the original position of when the addon is first loaded up.  


    When I type in /suf, and toggle Lock Frames off then back on, those frames magically go to where I initially set them.  However it is only for that session.  If I log out, quit out, or /reload, the frames go right back to where I didn't put them.


    So the addon knows where the frames are supposed to be, but it isn't keeping that location unless I /suf -> Unlock Frames -> Lock Frames -> close options.  Really annoying to have to do every time I log in to any character.



  • Koskun added a tag Defect Mar 15, 2019
  • LoveLynn posted a comment Jul 25, 2019

    I'm getting the same exact issue still since the latest patch :/ Have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. Reset the profile and remade it completely. Nothing.

  • Thegoobyshow posted a comment Aug 7, 2021

    HAving the same problem. /reload resets the position of all my frames.

  • Furyio posted a comment Aug 11, 2022

    Did anyone get a fix for this? I've just gone back to SUF and getting the same issue. Did a CVAR reset incase it was an issue coming from Elvui

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