Sort Group Units by Role #1200

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  • Riif0 created this issue Oct 21, 2018

    Hello, if it would be nice if its possible to sort he group units by role as the WOW raid option do it cause its very helpfull for healers without using a focus frame (it takes to much place). to sort the group like this:


    1. Tank

    2. Healer

    3. DPS

    4. DPS

    5. DPS


    Thx a lot if you could add this options. 

  • Riif0 added the tags New Other Oct 21, 2018
  • jerhuddle posted a comment Nov 4, 2018

    Is this just a configuration option that is hidden?  I had SUF configured to sort the raid by role and then changed it earlier this week.  Now, it looks like the option to change it back to grouping by role is gone.  The only options in Sort Method are "Index" and "Name"

    Edited Nov 4, 2018
  • jerhuddle posted a comment Nov 6, 2018

    I had another system with my old configuration data on it, and on that system, I see an option to change the group ordering.


    Under /suf -> Unit Configuration -> Raid -> Raid Tab, the Groups section contains a "Group by" selection field and a set of checkboxes below "Groups to show".


    That "Group by" selection field is just not visible on my other system after I used it to change from "Assigned Role" to "Group number".


    With a little digging in the code, it looks like this gets hidden if the "Separate Raid Frames" checkbox is enabled at the top of /suf -> Unit Configuration -> Raid -> Raid Tab.


    Hopefully that helps you enable it.

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