[SHAMAN] [WARLOCK] Issue with totems and Imps/Dreadstalkers #1193

  • Other
  • Forge_User_98436929 created this issue Oct 11, 2018

    I installed SUF 3 days ago and I love it on all my chars... except those 2 listed in the title. I think I tried every single option and still got no result on seeing the imps/dreadstalkers. the bar is just not there (appears when the option for dismissing on click is ON ---- but still not changing the value).

    As for the totems. a quarter bar appears with a timer (can live with that) but what's with the "show icons durations" option if not giving me a totem bar? (to dismiss them on will as well from it). Please reply if I am missing any option... I did spent more than 2 hours searching around. Thanks for the great addon. I love it!.

  • Forge_User_98436929 added a tag Other Oct 11, 2018

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