Suggestion: Anchoring to Personal Resource Bar #1128

  • Enhancement
  • Teisserow created this issue Jun 5, 2018

    One of the biggest issues with health bars is finding the right location for them on the screen. So that they don't block vision, don't get in the way of immersion and still are easy to have a glance at any moment.


    Apparently it is possible to attach a UI unit to the Personal Resource Bar (the bar that can be enabled in the default interface options under Names section). Since this bar is anchored to your character it is actually floating in the 2D plane of the UI as you adjust your camera or use actioncam setting. All other UI elements actually end up at different positions relative to your character with the camera view distance or angle changes.


    Would be great to see an option to anchor SUF frames to the Personal Resource Bar. Please consider this implementation. Hopefully it won't require much work.

  • Teisserow added a tag Enhancement Jun 5, 2018

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