[Warlock] Soul Shard bar squished after changing to Destruction spec #1109

  • Arcinde created this issue Feb 23, 2018

    Steps to reproduce:


    On a Warlock character, swap from Affliction spec to Destruction spec. Observe that the soul shard display gets "squished" to the left, so that even when we are at the 5 soul shard cap, there is still an empty space to the right. (This issue only arises after swapping to Destruction spec, not when logging in as Destruction spec.)


    Screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/a1b16a287bbd0a33bfcc9ec28c31242e.png


    Settings (under Player unit, General):

    Enable soul shards: Checked

    Growth: Right

    Don't hide when empty: Checked.


    Version: Release v4.1.22b

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