Warlock's Imp can dispel, too! #1097

  • Enhancement
  • FelicitySmoak created this issue Jan 23, 2018

     Warlock's pet Imp can Singe Magic (89808) to dispel Magic from a friendly target.


    The problem is that simply adding it to the list at \modules\units.lua:1466 as


    ["WARLOCK"] = {[89808] = {"Magic"}},


    does not work, as  pet spells are not returning true for IsPlayerSpell(), at least from my testing.

    I tried adding it with Cauterize Master (119899), as this spell shows up in the warlock's owner spellbook, replacing Command Demon when your Imp is out, but that had no effect either.


    At the moment for personal use I simply added Immolate (348) as a check for Destruction spec because destro usually uses Imp but that's far from ideal as you might be using different pets or even use Imp on a different spec unlikely as it is.


    There is a function IsPetActive() in the WoWAPI but it's not documented http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsPetActive and I'm not sure at which point SUF populates the dispellable-or-not list, because Imp is probably not considered active when you're mounted or when you just log in, it takes a second to show up.


    Any ideas?

  • FelicitySmoak added a tag Enhancement Jan 23, 2018

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