Range Fader always shows dead units as out of range. #1085

  • Forge_User_46687666 created this issue Jan 2, 2018

    I use the range fader for the raid but it makes it very difficult to find targets for Rebirth in combat. Dead units are always shown as out of range. Poking through the code, it ends up coming down to particularities with IsSpellInRange. This API method returns nil if the target is not valid for the spell, instead of 0/1 indicating the range. There doesn't seem to be a single spell that works for range checking as a Feral Druid as returns nil for Rebirth if the target is alive, and nil for Regrowth if the unit is dead. I suspect this is the case with most classes: there are no spells that can target both a living and a dead friendly unit.

  • nevcairiel posted a comment Jan 18, 2018

    Personally, I actually like it this way. The dead units are shown less prominent and don't distract. Granted while trying to find one for rezzing it might be helpful to be  able to actually see the range, but not sure thats worth the distraction of dead units coming in/out of range all the time.

  • bsolar17 posted a comment Jul 11, 2018

    I also would like to have the option to range check dead units. Grid2 has this capability, which I miss greatly since switching to SUF. The way Grid2 does it is by checking whether the player is playing a class with ress. If yes and if the target unit is dead or ghost, it uses the ress spell to determine range, otherwise it uses the standard spell.

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