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    Sep 13, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.2.0


Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Sep 13 19:50:39 2009 -0700
- Updated LibHealComm-4.0
- Movers will now show aura examples as well as the actual frame size
- Opened an aura function so movers can use it now
- LibHealComm-4.0 update
- Fixed [classification] and [shortclassification] not showing tags for rare elite mobs

Date: Fri Sep 11 21:27:45 2009 -0700
- Tweaked position of target of target, focus target and focus in the default layout
- Fixed auras for player and party showing 4 rows instead of just 1 by default
- Reduced the overall size of a few frames by a couple of pixels
- Reduced power bar weighting to 0.60 for focus, target of target and target of target and target
- Fixed an additional debuff showing up when showing buffs and debuffs in the same anchor
- Tweaked portrait settings again to always do an update at 10 second intervals
- Fixed portrait.line:6 error
- Redid the wording of a few descriptions in the configuration
- Updated LibWrapperHealComm-1.0
- Localization update
- Removed debug code
- Removed header test code
- Debug code is bad, removed it
- Modified the LibHealComm-4.0 upgrade check to blank out functions until it exists as a way of it upgrading without causing the entire mod to break while people move to it
- Added upgrade code for MA/MT/MA ToT/MT ToT
- Enabled cast bar and combat text for main tank and main assist
- General library update
- TOC Shenanigans
- Updated configuration to support main assist and main tank targets targets
- Changed the enable units page slightly to do rough categorization of units to see if that's a little easier to look at
- Added main tank target and main assist target units in
- Fixed the wrong unit being set for party pets
- Fixed child units not positioning themselves without a reload
- Enabled main tank target and main assist target unit movers
- Fixed children movers not being hidden if their parent was hidden
- Redid the merging of units so I can simply flag that it needs to do a selective merge to make it easier to load new units in
- Updated defaults, incoming heal bars will no longer go outside the raid, main tank or main assist frames
- Reduced the overall size of main tank/main assist

Date: Thu Sep 10 21:32:46 2009 -0700
- Added more code in for main assist and tank target frames
- Another portrait tweak
- Removed a function call thats no longer used
- Rewrote the party pet and target code again (5th times the charm?) to be a bit cleaner and less hackish and so I can try adding MA/MT ToT frames
- Changed back to a FullUpdate call as opposed to a CheckUnitGUID call on UnitID change for frames to fix some issues when custom sorting is used on group frames
- Fixed bugs related to the health bar showing green for people who went offline when inviting people to groups
- Fixed bugs related to the question mark portrait being overriden and just showing a black box