Calculations not constant #11

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser2025245
  • _ForgeUser3661287 created this issue Sep 23, 2012

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    Installed Version



    I can select to calculate and show back to back and both times it will do something different.

    Steps to Reproduce

    I have a Ass'n Rogue, if I go to the reforger, and select the preset Tier 13 Assasination for my rogue, Calculate it, show and then select to reforge, it comes up shows me the optimal changes to be made and then executes it. But if I go right back and perform those same steps, it will show me other "optimal" chances and will perform them as well. Its as if the addon changed its mind and figured out a better configuration, or didn't agree with the results it game me the first time. This is of course after no gear/talent changes I didn't have any buffs or poisons that fell off that might cause the addon confusion.

    Installed Addons

    _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay Ace3 - Release-r1061 Addon Control Panel - 3.4 AdiBags - v1.5.1 Atlas - v1.21.1 AtlasLoot Enhanced - v7.00.01 AuctionLite - v1.8.7 AutoVendor - v0.17.0 Babble-2.2 - r1320 BalancePowerTracker - BalancePowerTracker(v1.3.4) BetterExtraActionButton - 1.1.1 BigBrother - 3.7.4 BigWigs Bossmods - r9136-release BigWigs Chimaeron Marker - BigWigs_ChimMarker 1.0 BigWigs_Cho'gall_Worship_Marker - 1.2.3 BigWigs_Ragnaros_VocalLavaWave - 1.1.1 BigWigs_Sinestra_Whelp_Marker - 1.0.3 BigWigs_Ulduar - r17-release BigWigs_YorsahjPriority - r39-release BindPad - 2.6.0 BlizzMove - v1.2.5 Broker Everything - Broker_Everything V. Broker_DurabilityInfo - v1.12 Broker_Recount - v5.0.4 release Carbonite - 4.301 ChocolateBar Broker Display - v2.2.6 CustomPlayerPowerBarAlt - 1.4.4 Deadly Boss Mods - 4.11.2 Deadly Boss Mods - Burning Crusade and Vanilla mods - Vanilla and BC Mods r414 Deadly Boss Mods - Cataclysm mods - Cataclysm Mods r27 Deadly Boss Mods - Wrath of the Lich King mods - WotLK Mods r10 Dominos - 5.0.25 Dungeon Helper - v2.3.1 Fatality - v2.2b FishingAce - Release 0.5.9 Flight Map - v5.0.3 ForteXorcist - v1.980.6 GoGoMount - 5.0.9 Group Calendar 5 - 5.5.3 ItemDataCache - Jamba - beta-1.0beta3 JebusMail - v5.0.4a LibBabble-CreatureType-3.0 - 5.0-release4 LibBabble-Zone-3.0 - 5.0-release4 LibTourist-3.0 - r151 LittleWigs - r994 Mactics - Mactics-v3.03 Mappy - 3.2 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.7.122 Minimap Button Frame - 3.1.9 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.7 OmniCC - 5.0.3b Outfitter - 5.5.2 PallyPower - v5.0.3 PassLoot - r137 PassLoot_AtlasLoot - r15 PhoenixStyle - 1.608 PlayerScore - Version 4.11.02 Poisoner - 4.3 rev5d Postal - v3.5.0 Power Auras Classic - 5.0 RC 3 Prat 3.0 - 3.5 Prayer of Mending Tracker - Prayer of Mending Tracker 2.77 (MoP Update) Quartz - 3.1.1 QuestGuru - QuestGuru2.2.13-50001 QuestHelperLite - v5.0.4.1 RaidChecklist - r204 Raven - r263 Recount - v5.0.4a release ReforgeLite - v1.12 RSA - Raeli's Spell Announcer - v2846 SharedMediaAdditionalFonts - 1.0.10 Simple Raid Target Icons - v1.21-50001 SmartRes2 - Release 2.0.3 Tidy Plates - 6.7.5 Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 6.007 TipTac - 12.09.05 Tol Barad Master - Tol Barad Master v1.5 True Item Level - CP20SEP2012 Vengeance Status - v1.35-50001 WoWDB Profiler - 1.0.10 XPBarNone - v1.5.10 X-Perl UnitFrames - 3.5.20

  • _ForgeUser3661287 added the tags New Defect Sep 23, 2012
  • _ForgeUser3661287 posted a comment Oct 1, 2012

    Looking for a response

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