Item Level Comparison #269

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to whitetooth3
  • DrKManchu created this issue Nov 8, 2012

    Whit the Itemlevel getting more and more important in recent addons it would be a great feature to add the itemlevel to the summary tooltip.

    Let's say you are wearing a two-handed sword with ilvl 440 and you hover over another one with ilvl 463 it would say something along the lines

    • Itemlevel:..........................463 (+23)

    Another feature would be how the average itemlevel of your gear is affected. For example, if your average ilvl is 440 and you change the 440 sword for a 463 sword you would get an average itemlevel increase of ( 463 - 440 ) / 15 = 1,533... So it could say something like

    • Average Itemlevel: ............442 (+1,53)


    I've been working on coding this for the last few hours, but I'm not really familliar with LUA and I'm still trying to figure some things out with LibStatLogic. I was able to add the option to show the itemlevel in the summary portion of tooltip but I can't seem to get your calcDiff function to accept the itemlevel as a stat for the difference calculation. I'm guessing once I figure this out the rest is childs play.

    Any and all advice would be well appreciated.

  • DrKManchu added the tags New Enhancment Nov 8, 2012
  • DrKManchu posted a comment Nov 9, 2012

    5 hours later, 9am in the morning but I finally did it. I'll clean up the code and post my solution. God I love this addon even more now

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