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    Oct 20, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.2.0


Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 21:11:28 2009 -0700
- Added "Enable auto fallback" option, allows you to have auctions automatically posted at fallback if the market price is below (or equal) to threshold
- Items are now sorted by group when displaying them in the status report
- Craft queue is now disabled for enchanting scrolls to reduce confusion, craft help indicates this.
- Added a hide uncraftables button to hide any item you cannot craft from the summary list
- Updated smart cancelling to indicate it will cancel if there are no other auctions up beyond your own
- Defaults update
- Localization update
- Added partial Russian localization (Thanks Cubert - Thermaplug-RU)

Date:   Sat Oct 17 21:46:19 2009 -0700
- Fixed deDE localization being loaded for all locales not just German
- Reduced font size of logs slightly
- Updated to a full deDE localization (Thanks Rothis - Khaz'goroth)

Date:   Sun Oct 11 10:28:37 2009 -0700
- Fixed a bug causing post cap to group all of players auctions into a single one rather than the total theyh actually had at that tier
- Updated deDE localization (Thanks Aratar)

Date:   Fri Oct 9 17:41:30 2009 -0700
- Fixed post cap being calculated using the total quantity of items posted rather than total auctions posted, eg if you posted 2 auctions with 5 items each and your post cap is 6 it will error because it thought you had 10 auctions, rather than 2
- Fixed a typo in the buyout testing always using the default undercut value
- TOC update to reference deDE localization
Merge: ae2355e d1eb47c
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:Shadowed/QuickAuctions
- Localization update
- Changed can craft to first check if we know the link, then to check the perfect match as an efficiency improvement
- Added a second Perfect <blah> match called ALTER_PERFECT for localizations like French with alternative matchings based on the word type

Date:   Thu Oct 8 15:40:39 2009 -0700
- Added deDE localization (Thanks chrysokeras!)
- Localization update
- Reverted summary changes for enchanting scrolls
- Added threshold to the status report
- Fixed an error in tradeskills.lua to disable the enhanting stuff for now

Date:   Mon Oct 5 21:20:41 2009 -0700
- Localization update
- Fixed an error in the craft queue creating the maximum amount all the time
- Added feature to disable auto cancelling in a group
- Fixed craft queue not working for enchants when using manual entry of item quantities
- Fixed typo in displaying craft queue
- Craft queue will now work with enchanting scrolls, thanks Cybnext for the code
- Fixed "Post cap" not accepting manual entries and having to be done purely through the slider
- Fixed an error when using the status scan without opening the log