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    Oct 10, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.2.0


Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 9 17:41:30 2009 -0700
- Fixed post cap being calculated using the total quantity of items posted rather than total auctions posted, eg if you posted 2 auctions with 5 items each and your post cap is 6 it will error because it thought you had 10 auctions, rather than 2
- Fixed a typo in the buyout testing always using the default undercut value
- TOC update to reference deDE localization
Merge: ae2355e d1eb47c
Merge branch 'master' of [email protected]:Shadowed/QuickAuctions
- Localization update
- Changed can craft to first check if we know the link, then to check the perfect match as an efficiency improvement
- Added a second Perfect <blah> match called ALTER_PERFECT for localizations like French with alternative matchings based on the word type

Date:   Thu Oct 8 15:40:39 2009 -0700
- Added deDE localization (Thanks chrysokeras!)
- Localization update
- Reverted summary changes for enchanting scrolls
- Added threshold to the status report
- Fixed an error in tradeskills.lua to disable the enhanting stuff for now

Date:   Mon Oct 5 21:20:41 2009 -0700
- Localization update
- Fixed an error in the craft queue creating the maximum amount all the time
- Added feature to disable auto cancelling in a group
- Fixed craft queue not working for enchants when using manual entry of item quantities
- Fixed typo in displaying craft queue
- Craft queue will now work with enchanting scrolls, thanks Cybnext for the code
- Fixed "Post cap" not accepting manual entries and having to be done purely through the slider
- Fixed an error when using the status scan without opening the log
Merge: d745869 5917b8c
- Fixed conflicts

Date:   Sun Oct 4 23:59:36 2009 -0700
- Added a new status module, this is basically a speedy summary that will get auction house stats for all items in your inventory and active on the auction house that are managed by Quick Auctions. It will show the lowest buyout as well as how many are in the auction house
- Added an additional API call for getting total items up
- Enabled the status module in the button list
- Localization update
- TOC update
- Fixed a rare error in manage.lua:362
- Updated error message when QA fails to find the category index to make it more clear that it needs to be localized
- Changed "Items per auction" and "Post cap" to be 1 - 1000 to account for Engineering bullets and other items that stack above 40 (Generally reputation items)
- Log window will now group items into their proper row and only show that item once when posting, no more spam with 5000 items in it
- Log window is now scrollable and won't clear logs when posting or canceling
- Fixed an error when mousing over a row with no data in it in the logs
- TOC update