Option to only show my auras on people. #79

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • _ForgeUser1950902 created this issue Jan 21, 2009

    Hi, first off I LOVE PitBull Unit Frames. I've been using these since early BC. They are the best any resto druid could ask for. I will never use anything else, so keep updating these please! But my UI configuration calls for a feature of Pitbull that doesn't exist... yet.

    I have 6 beneficial aura slots showing for every unit in my raid. Thorns, MotW, LB, Rej, Reg, and WG. This works perfectly when I'm the only druid, but not so much if there are other druids casting these spells. Also since there's no way for me to be able to tell which hots are mine and which aren't, I sometimes step on my other tree druids' toes and swift mend their hots... Also if there are *that* many druid hots going, I can't tell if mine are even still active because I can't see them.

    I know it's possible to hide / show auras based on which individual unit cast them (independent of whichever class they are) because I've seen other mods that do this... but none of them are as great as Pitbull.

    While watching my hot timers is key to tree healing, I also need to watch other people's hots (priest, other druids) so I don't step on anyone's toes and over-hot targets that are only missing a little health (thus wasting overall raid mana). So I'm also requesting a secondary beneficial auras frame for units.

    Actually... Let's step back a sec... How about just one beneficial auras frame, but allow me to prioritize auras that I cast so they show before all others, and change the color of the border around the aura icon to something else so that I know it's mine. That would be perfect.

    Can you do it?

    Thank you! Sincerely,

    Renevatio - Arygos ([email protected])

  • _ForgeUser1950902 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 21, 2009

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