Endless sorting in mr plow. try item lvl sorting with gear instead #11

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  • Defect
Assigned to wobin_dwonderdog
  • _ForgeUser1754358 created this issue Dec 11, 2009
    Submitted Via Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0 Installed Version v10.2.5-Beta Description Mr plow endlessly sorts between two chest pieces i have. the old version didnt do this. also if you could bring back the options menu from the minimap icon that would be greatly appreciated as well. an idea i have that may solve this is to sort by type (ie: by head then neck then shoulder etc.) but then also sort within those specific sets also by item level (ie seperate the headpieces, then organize by item lvl, then sort neck pieces then organize neck pieces by item lvl.. etc) this may stop the endless looping when picking up a blue item while questing or raiding and having it get confused with your offset Steps to Reproduce click the sort button. have a t9 chest piece and either the thanksgiving robe or chest item in the bag at the same time Installed Addons _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay Ace3 - Release-r900 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.0 Altoholic - Altoholic 3.3.001 Are You Lookin' At Me? - 1.0.4 Atlas - Atlas v1.15.1 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.09.00 AtlasQuest - Fan Update - 4.3.6 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.7.4568 Auto Item Start Quest - Auto Item Start Quest AutoRepair - AutoRepair 1.2 Bagnon - 2.12.3 Bagnon_Brighter - Bagnon_Brighter_v120.zip Carbonite - 3.23 ClassTimer - 2.3.30300.1 Crap Away! - Crap Away! 1.2 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.32-r2645 Decursive - EGLoader - v200910311406 FlightMap - Flightmap 3.2 Gatherer - Gatherer 3.1.14 GathererDB WoWHead - 2009.18.02 HealBot Continued - LibPeriodicTable-3.1 - 234 release Loot Filter - 3.13.1 MailGet2 - MailGet2 2.0 MrPlow - v10.2.5-Beta Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.8 Prospect - v200909202140 Recount - v3.2g release Routes - v1.2.7 SexyMap - v1.2 Talented - v2.4.4-release Talented_Loader - v2.1-release Track-o-Matique - 3.4 Who Pinged? - v1.2.8 XBar - v3.28 XToLevel - 3.2.2_8r
  • _ForgeUser1754358 added the tags New Defect Dec 11, 2009
  • Wobin_dWonderdog posted a comment Dec 11, 2009


    It does.

    MrPlow goes through a series of comparisons with each object falling through to the next if matched or irrelevant:

    1. Junk
    2. ItemRank
    3. Specific PT (conjured)
    4. PT-Categorical (tradegoods etc)
    5. Location
    6. Rarity
    7. Alpha
    8. ID

    In any case, there should be three items that MrPlow swaps -around- if you could do the following...

    1. Take note of which items are being swapped. Be aware, that it will almost always involve at least 3 items at most times.
    2. use /mp add [Blocky Item of Block][Womble cabbage of Frog][Fried Green Tomatoes] (use shift-click on the items)
    3. run /mp sort and copy/paste the resultant output here (after hitting /mp stop after it loops)
    4. note /mp watching and /mp clear will show what's being monitored and clear the list respectively.

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