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    Nov 12, 2014
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.0.3


- Fixed flickering when the mouse is over the map while moving

- Introduced new options to control the fade-on-move transparency
- Fixed the map not obeying the configured transparency
- Fixed an issue which caused other UI panels to forcefully hide the map when opened and vice versa
- Fixed a flickering issue when changing zones while the map is open

- Support for WoW 6.0 and Warlords of Draenor
- Resolved a taint error introduced with WoW 5.4.1

- Added Siege of Orgrimmar Instance Map
- Fixed another case of quest/digsite overlays being positioned wrong
- Improved the InstanceMaps integration, reducing potential taint issues
- Fixed an issue with old FogClear data causing a "green" Hyjal map

- Updated for WoW 5.4
- Fixed display of EJ Boss Icons
- Fixed DigSite overlays being in the wrong position sometimes

- Fixed a Lua error in the Fog Clear module with the Battle Map enabled
- Fixed positioning of the quest icons after changing zone on the map

- Support for WoW 5.3
- Fixed the scale drag handle
- Fixed a bunch of strata issues causing certain map elements to not show up properly (player ping, for example)

- Support for WoW 5.2
- Fixed display of micro dungeons

- Fixed map overlay in Dun Morogh
- Fixed errant raid member icons on the world map

- Support for WoW 5.0 and Mists of Pandaria
  - FogClear data for all Mists of Pandaria zones
  - Instance Maps for all new Instances/Raids
- Added an option to change the scale of the Encounter Journal Map Icons
- Fixed behaviour of the Battlefield Map
- Added support for ptBR and itIT locales

- Updated for WoW 4.3
- Added instances/raids added in WoW Patch 4.3 and 4.2

- Fixed a bug that caused the whole UI to hide when the map is shown

- Fixes for 4.1
- Fixes for Digsite Overlays on the Map

- Updated FogClear Data for the new and revised zones of Cataclysm
- Added all Classic and Cataclysm Instances to the Instance Maps module
- Hide the "Track Quest" checkbox in "Minimized" map mode
- Fix the Floor Dropdown in "Minimized" map mode
- Fix an error that occured when using the "Toggle Map Size" keybinding

- Fixed GroupIcon module

- Fixes for the 4.0.1 Patch

- Add the instance map for the Ruby Sanctum

- Fixes for the 3.3.3 Patch

- Properly adjust the position of the map POIs when changing the scale of the map.
- When disabling the BattleMap module, properly restore the previously hidden textures.

- Moved the Quest Objectives drop down to the bottom status bar, so it doesn't collide with the floor drop down anymore.
- Properly apply the saved Quest Objectives state on login.

- Extended the "Show Quest Objectives" Feature to allow showing only the Map Blobs without showing the Panels on the World Map Frame.
- The Map is no longer clamped to the screen, and can be moved (partially) off-screen!
- Adjusted the maximal scale of the map to 200% for even bigger Maps on small UI Scales.
- Fixed an error in the positioning logic that was causing excess errors in some situations.
- Fixed an error that was causing the drag handle to be still click-able even when the map was closed.

- Fixed a nil error in the POI Scaling logic.
- Other random fixes to the frame layouting.

- Added an option to scale the POI Icons on the map.
- InstanceMaps fixes and additions.
- More fixes to the Quest Blobs and combat issue.

- Worked around a Blizzard Limitation that broke opening the map in combat in previous versions.
- Minor fixes

- Fixed a rare nil error related to the Hide Borders code on login.

- Updated for the 3.3.0 Content Patch
- Added support for the "minimized" map, that you can switch to for alternate positioning and size.
- Added a mouse-drag scaler to scale the map without opening the options.
- Added an option to hide the Borders and Artwork in minimized-map-mode.
- Redesigned Instance Maps code to be more versatile in the future.

- Updated for the 3.2.0 Content Patch
- Fixed a glitch that caused the Group Icons on the World Map to be displayed in white sometimes.

- Fixed an glitch with the map overlays in Alterac Valley

- Fix an error with Babble-Zone

- Full support for the 3.1.0 Content Patch!
- Added an InstanceMaps module for the builtin instance maps in the game.
- Add support for !ClassColors
- Fixes and enhancements

- Added an option to change the scale of the PlayerArrow on the map
- Internal changes

- Fixed embeded libraries
- Updated zhTW locale

- Adjusted Draw Layer of the textures in the FogClear module to not block other addons from displaying overlays on the map

- Added a new BattleMap module that applys a skin to the Battlefield MiniMap
- Improved behaviour of the FogClear module
- Alot of small fixes

- Added a workaround for the bug that would reset your map-zoom to the current zone when the Battlefield Minimap was shown
- Moved the Mapster MiniMap button a bit to the left to not overlap with QuestHelper
- Updated FogClear Data
- Small fix to the initialization code that fixes the return values of GetWidth/GetHeight before the map was shown

[B]- Support for WoW 3.0[/B]
- FogClear Data for all zones in Wrath of the Lich King included
- Fixes and tweaks for WoW 3.0

- Updated Libraries and Bugfix Release

- Added missing Library to package

- Updated for Patch 2.4
- Now using the 2.4 Interface Options Panel for configuration
- Small fixes and tweaks

- Initial Release

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
66.29 KB Nov 12, 2014 6.0.3 2,161