Allow whisper response with negative DKP #29

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to dhedbor
  • _ForgeUser1188432 created this issue May 13, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    A pretty simple enhancement that will allow DKP responses with negative DKP. Our guild uses a Fixed Prize System and so there can be players with dkp < 0. They only get the table where they have dpk > 0 as response.

    The enhancement is relative easy to implement. For now I have changed Line 438 from:

    if dkp and dkp > 0 then


    if dkp then -- and dkp > 0 then

    it works for me but there will probably be the need do make a Checkbox to enable and disable the feature.

    Think about it.

    by sway

  • _ForgeUser1188432 added the tags New Enhancment May 13, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1245294 posted a comment May 15, 2009

    I would agree, I would like to see the system handle negative dkp.

    I made the same change, there are other parts that seem to not support negative dkp, as an example the whipser function for current dkp does not support negative values ever with the above change mentioned.

  • DHedbor posted a comment May 18, 2009

    It's not a hard thing to support. As I mentioned in another ticket, I simply didn't envision this being used in a fixed DKP system. I plan to go through the system and improve it for fixed dkp and negative dkp systems.

  • DHedbor removed a tag New May 18, 2009
  • DHedbor added a tag Accepted May 18, 2009

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