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UploadedApr 2, 2019
Size79.75 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 8.1.5
r220 | Odica | 2019-04-02 21:01:32 +0000 (Tue, 02 Apr 2019) | 16 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibTourist-3.0.lua
- removed Frostfire Ridge - Orgrimmar portal
- added Frostwall - Warspear portal
- removed Shadowmoon Valley - Stormwind City portal
- added Lunarfall - Stormshield portal
- corrected Orgrimmar - Zuldazar portal into Orgrimmar - Dazar'alor portal
- corrected Silithus - Zuldazar portal into Silithus - Dazar'alor portal
- corrected Zuldazar - Orgrimmar portal into Dazar'alor - Orgrimmar portal
- corrected Zuldazar - Silvermoon City portal into Dazar'alor - Silvermoon City portal
- corrected Zuldazar - Thunder Bluff portal into Dazar'alor - Thunder Bluff portal
- corrected Zuldazar - Orgrimmar portal into Dazar'alor - Orgrimmar portal
- corrected Stormwind City - Tiragarde Sound portal into Stormwind City - Boralus portal
- corrected Silithus - Tiragarde Sound portal into Silithus - Boralus portal
- corrected Tiragarde Sound - The Exodar portal into Boralus - The Exodar portal
- corrected Tiragarde Sound - Ironforge portal into Boralus - Ironforge portal
- corrected Tiragarde Sound - Stormwind City portal into Boralus - Stormwind City portal
- corrected Tiragarde Sound - Silithus portal into Boralus - Silithus portal
r219 | Odica | 2019-04-01 21:54:27 +0000 (Mon, 01 Apr 2019) | 22 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibTourist-3.0.lua
- removed Orgrimmar - Dalaran (Broken Isles) portal
- removed Stormwind City - Dalaran (Broken Isles) portal
- removed Exodar - Darnassus portal
- removed Exodar - Tiragarde Sound portal
- removed Ironforge - Tiragarde Sound portal
- removed Silvermoon City - Zuldazar portal
- removed Thunder Bluff - Zuldazar portal
- restored Undercity - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- restored Darnassus - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- added Tanaan Jungle - Stormshield portal
- added Stormshield - Tanaan Jungle portal
- added Tanaan Jungle - Warspear portal
- added Warspear - Tanaan Jungle portal
- added Mount Hyjal - Stormwind City portal
- added Mount Hyjal - Orgrimmar portal
- added Azsuna - Stormwind City portal
- added Azsuna - Orgrimmar portal
- added Tiragarde Sound - Silithus portal
- added Silithus - Tiragarde Sound portal
- added Silithus - Zuldazar portal
- added flightnodes Mariner's Row, Proudmoore Keep and Tradewinds Market to Boralus
r218 | Odica | 2019-03-21 21:35:30 +0000 (Thu, 21 Mar 2019) | 50 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibTourist-3.0.lua
- added Crubicle of Storms raid
- added 22 new mapIDs
- added Orgrimmar - Silvermoon City portal
- added Orgrimmar - Shattrath City portal
- added Orgrimmar - Dalaran (Northrend) portal
- added Orgrimmar - Azsuna portal
- added Stormwind City - The Exodar portal
- added Stormwind City - Shattrath City portal
- added Stormwind City - Dalaran (Northrend) portal
- added Stormwind City - Azsuna portal
- added Zulzadar - Silithus portal
- added Silvermoon City - Orgrimmar portal
- added The Exodar - Stormwind City portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Ironforge portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Darnassus portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Thunder Bluff portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Undercity portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Caverns of Time portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Hillsbrad Foothills portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Karazhan portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - The Exodar portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Silvermoon City portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Shattrath City portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Dragonblight (Wyrmrest Temple) portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Shrine of Seven Stars portal
- removed Dalaran (Broken Isles) - Shrine of Two Moons portal
- removed Dalaran (Northrend) - Caverns of Time portal
- removed Shrine of Seven Stars - Shattrath City portal
- removed Shrine of Seven Stars - Dalaran (Northrend) portal
- removed Shrine of Seven Stars - The Exodar portal
- removed Shrine of Seven Stars - Ironforge portal
- removed Shrine of Seven Stars - Darnassus portal
- removed Shrine of Two Moons - Shattrath City portal
- removed Shrine of Two Moons - Dalaran (Northrend) portal
- removed Shrine of Two Moons - Thunder Bluff portal
- removed Shrine of Two Moons - Undercity portal
- removed Shrine of Two Moons - Silvermoon City portal
- removed Stormwind City - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed Stormwind City - Blasted Lands portal
- removed Orgrimmar - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed Orgrimmar - Blasted Lands portal
- removed Stormshield - Darnassus portal
- removed Stormshield - Ironforge portal
- removed Warspear - Undercity portal
- removed Warspear - Thunder Bluff portal
- removed Darnassus - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed The Exodar - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed Ironforge - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed Silvermoon City - Hellfire Peninsula portal
- removed Thunder Bluff - Hellfire Peninsula portal