Error mousing spellbook #1

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser65911
  • _ForgeUser289811 created this issue Nov 28, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version

    v90031 wotlk release


    3x LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0-90029:121: attempt to call global 'SpellBook_GetSpellID' (a nil value) <in C code>: ? Locals: (*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1 = <function> defined *:OnEnter:1 = <function> @ LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0\LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0\LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0.lua:120: ---

    Steps to Reproduce

    Log in, open spellbook, mouse over any spell.

    Installed Addons

    !BugGrabber - r155 Ace2 - r1101 Ace3 - Release-r981 AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets - v3.4.1 Acheron - v1.1.11-nolib AddonLoader - r113-release Aieeeeee! - r20081109011624 Align - Align Atlasloot Enhanced - v6.01.00-nolib Auction Profit Master - v1.4 AuctionMaster - 4.2.2 Auditor - v4.3.3-nolib Auto Tabard - 1.92 AzCastBar - 10.10.14 Bartender4 - 4.4.15-nolib Battleground - r69-release-nolib BattleObjectivesMover - v4.0.1 release-nolib Bazooka - v1.9.4-nolib BetterBlizzOptions - r33-beta Blipstick - Broker_Mail - r44-nolib Broker_PvP - r44-nolib Broker_SocialState - 1.7.2-nolib Broker_Tracking - r41-nolib BugSack - r241-nolib ButtonFacade - 4.0.340-nolib ButtonFacade: LiteStep - 4.0.53 CallbackHandler-1.0 - 1.0.6 CandyBar - r155-release-nolib Capping Battleground Timers - v4.0.002 Chatter - v1.2.9-3-nolib CoolLine Cooldowns - v4.0.003 Cork - Crossdresser - CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 Deus Vox Encounters - v507-nolib DungeonSpeedRunner - v0.7-beta-nolib DynPerf - v1.2-nolib ErrorMonster - r88-nolib Examiner - 10.11.26 Explorer Coords - v1.3 FuBarPlugin-2.0 - FuBarPlugin-2.0-r80867 GearScoreLite - GearScoreLite 3x04 Gladius - v1.2.0-nolib GnomishVendorShrinker - GoodNewsEveryone - HelmNCloak - 40000-1 IHML - I Have Macro Lol! - v2.71-nolib InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory_Fix - v1.2.9 Kennel - kgPanels - LibAboutPanel - v1.5-nolib LibActionButton-1.0 - 0.8 LibBabble-Boss-3.0 - 4.0-release7 LibBabble-Class-3.0 - 3.0-release15 LibBabble-Faction-3.0 - 4.0-release7 LibBabble-Inventory-3.0 - 4.0-release7 LibBabble-Zone-3.0 - 4.0-release7 LibBanzai-2.0 - r42 LibBetterBlizzOptions-1.0 - r5 LibBossIDs-1.0 - beta6-nolib LibCandyBar-3.0 - r27-nolib LibDBIcon-1.0 - r17 LibDualSpec-1.0 - v1.4 LibFail-1.0 - 1.0.172 LibGraph-2.0 - v2.0.2 LibGratuity-3.0 - r42 LibHealComm-3.0 - r94 LibJostle-3.0 - v40000 LibKeyBound-1.0 - r95 release LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0 - v90031 wotlk release LibQTip-1.0 - r147-release LibQTipClick-1.0 - r38-nolib LibQTipClick-1.1 - r10-nolib LibQuickHealth-1.0 - r38 LibSharedMedia-3.0 - 4 LibShefkiTimer-1.0 - 1.0.1 LibSink-2.0 - r72 LibStub - 1.0 LibTalentQuery-1.0 - 4.0 Release 1 LibWindow-1.1 - r3 Mapster - 1.4.0-nolib MikScrollingBattleText - v5.5.91 Nudist - OmniCC - 4.0.waffles6 oUF - 1.5.4 oUF_CombatFeedback - r43-release oUF_DebuffHighlight - r50-release PaintChipsLib - PaintChipsLib-r69499 Pawn - 1.5 picoFPS - Postal - v3.4.5-nolib Power Auras Classic - 4.9 Progress - SatrinaBuffFrame - 3.1.25 SharedMedia - r173 Skada Damage Meter - 1.2-30-nolib Squeenix - Squire - v1.8.1 StealYourCarbon - Talent Spec Spam Filter - Talent Spec Spam Filter v0.2 TBag-Shefki - 20101717-385 tekability - teksLoot - tekticles - Tidy Plates - 5.14.1 Tidy Plates: Clean Plates - v1.9g Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - v4.0-e TimeToExecute - 0.2.7 TipTac - 10.11.23 TomTom - v40000-1.0.5 TourGuide - Tourguide Speed Guide for Icecrown Dailies - Tourguide Speed Guide for Icecrown Dailies 1.11 VendorBait - Volumizer - 4.0.1-1.2.5-nolib Waterfall-1.0 - 3.01-release WindowLib - WindowLib-r66041-nolib YouArentInAPartyFix - r8

  • _ForgeUser289811 added the tags New Defect Nov 28, 2010
  • Erpgore posted a comment May 1, 2011

    Getting the same error with 4.1 (live). Anytime you mouse over the spellbook, bugsack throws a wobbly and the spellbook closes down. If you remove LKBextra, it's fine, but then you can't keybind.

    Please help!

  • Talyrius posted a comment May 4, 2011

    Change this:

    local cc = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) == 4e4

    To this:

    local cc = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 4e4


    Edited May 4, 2011
  • OttoDeFe posted a comment May 4, 2011

    Not to seem stupid, but where to do the replace? I can't find that line in the lib anywhere.

  • _ForgeUser125810 posted a comment May 5, 2011

    @OttoDeFe: Go

    It is on line 32 of LibKeyBoundExtra-1.0.lua.

    (Not sure if this is the long term solution or not... haven't tried it yet).

  • OttoDeFe posted a comment May 5, 2011

    Thanx! I had two folders apparently and the lib for the Addon version didn't have that line, but I found the stand-alone did. Fixed, copied and pasted. All fixed.

  • MuffinManKen posted a comment May 7, 2011

    This should be fixed now but let me know if you have any issues. I don't have access to close the ticket though.

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