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  • Uploaded
    Sep 23, 2009
  • Size
    32.19 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.2.0


    - Fixed heals breaking until the next session if the player leveled up (Also possibly fixes a stack overflow error)
    - Fixed average heals table not being completely wiped when initializing in case a heal was removed between revisions
    - Changed spell name request for average calculates to a rawget so it will give a nil index error rather than a stack overflow
    - Fixed bug in the activeHot tracker (thanks Adirelle)
    - Fixed removeAllRecord calls triggering errors
    - Fixed a stack overflow if "spell" is nil in the averages metatable
    - Added new event HealComm_GUIDDisappeared(event, guid) fires when a GUID goes "missing" either because they have an active hot and are outside visible range, they are a pet that was dismissed with hots on them or they left a group with heals on them
    - Went back and clarified/cleaned up some comments that were old or out of date
    - Fixed an error when PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED fired for players who were not a healer class
    - Fixed guidToUnit/guidToGroup being removed before parseHealEnd when sanity checking
    - Fixed index nil table error when a group is disbanded while zoning
    - Fixed GetCasterHealAmount() now returns nil if no healing is incoming
    - Fixed getRcord typo on line #1904