GetMinimapFrame() #4

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • jokeyrhyme created this issue Jan 6, 2009

    We have FuBarPlugin:GetFrame() but we don't have FuBarPlugin:GetMinimapFrame(). GetMinimapFrame() would look almost exactly like GetFrame(), except it should use pluginToMinimapFrame[self] instead of pluginToFrame[self].

    Having both would facilitate tooltip implementations that don't use either GameTooltip or Tablet-2.0.

    I've just used frame:SetScript("OnEnter", MyAddon.ShowTooltip) etc, in order to use LibQTip-1.0. If there's an easier way that doesn't require access to the addon's FuBar and MinimapIcon frames then please let me know.

  • jokeyrhyme added the tags New Enhancment Jan 6, 2009

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