All Namespaces
- 6.0 test set
- Absolution Regalia
- Adamantite Battlegear
- Aegis Battlegear
- Aegis Plate
- Aegis Regalia
- Agony and Torment
- Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Battlegear
- Alacrity of Maldraxxus
- Aldor Regalia
- Arcanist Regalia
- Arcanoshatter Regalia
- Arcanoweave Vestments
- Armaments of the Infinite Infantry
- Armor of Radiant Glory
- Armor of Seven Sacred Seals
- Armor of the Eternal Blossom
- Armor of the Haunted Forest
- Armor of the Red Crane
- Armor of the Shattered Vale
- Ashlink Armor
- Assassination Armor
- Attire of Piety
- Augur's Regalia
- Authority of Maldraxxus
- Avatar Raiment
- Avatar Regalia
- Avenger's Battlegear
- Awesome Party Ensemble
- Azshara's Garments
- Balespider's Burning Vestments
- Barbed Assassin Battlegear
- Battlearmor of Immolation
- Battlecast Garb
- Battlegear of Eternal Justice
- Battlegear of Guiding Light
- Battlegear of Heroism
- Battlegear of Iron Wrath
- Battlegear of Might
- Battlegear of Seven Sacred Seals
- Battlegear of the Eternal Blossom
- Battlegear of the Firebird
- Battlegear of the Haunted Forest
- Battlegear of the Lightning Emperor
- Battlegear of the Lost Catacomb
- Battlegear of the Raging Elements
- Battlegear of the Red Crane
- Battlegear of the Saurok Stalker
- Battlegear of the Savage Hunt
- Battlegear of the Shattered Abyss
- Battlegear of the Shattered Vale
- Battlegear of the Somber Gaze
- Battlegear of the Thousandfold Blades
- Battlegear of the Unblinking Vigil
- Battlegear of the Uncrowned
- Battlegear of the Witch Doctor
- Battlegear of Undead Slaying
- Battlegear of Unyielding Strength
- Battlegear of Valor
- Battlegear of Winged Triumph
- Battlegear of Wrath
- Battlelord's Plate
- Battleplate of Cyclopean Dread
- Battleplate of Immolation
- Battleplate of Radiant Glory
- Battleplate of Resounding Rings
- Battleplate of the All-Consuming Maw
- Battleplate of the Highlord
- Battleplate of the Last Mogu
- Battleplate of the Prehistoric Marauder
- Battleplate of the Silver Hand
- Battlewrap of the Hurricane's Eye
- Bearmantle Battlegear
- Beast Lord Armor
- Beastmaster Armor
- Beaststalker Armor
- Black Dragon Mail
- Blackfang Battleweave
- Blackhand's Battlegear
- Blacksteel Battleplate
- Blessed Battlegear of Undead Slaying
- Blessed Garb of the Undead Slayer
- Blessed Regalia of Undead Cleansing
- Blood Tiger Harness
- Bloodfang Armor
- Bloodmage's Regalia
- Bloodmail Regalia
- Bloodsoul Embrace
- Bloodthirsty Charscale
- Bloodthirsty Dragonscale
- Bloodthirsty Embersilk
- Bloodthirsty Fireweave
- Bloodthirsty Leather
- Bloodthirsty Ornate Pyrium
- Bloodthirsty Pyrium
- Bloodthirsty Wyrmhide
- Bloodvine Garb
- Blue Dragon Mail
- Bold Armor
- Bonescythe Armor
- Bonescythe Battlegear
- Borean Embrace
- Brain Trust
- Brewfest Garb
- Burden of Power
- Burning Rage
- Cadaverous Garb
- Cataclysm Harness
- Cataclysm Raiment
- Cataclysm Regalia
- Celestial Harmony Battlegear
- Celestial Harmony Regalia
- Celestial Harmony Vestment
- Cenarion Raiment
- Chain of the Scarlet Crusade
- Chain of the Selfless
- Champion's Arcanum
- Champion's Battlearmor
- Champion's Battlegear
- Champion's Dreadgear
- Champion's Earthshaker
- Champion's Guard
- Champion's Investiture
- Champion's Pursuance
- Champion's Pursuit
- Champion's Raiment
- Champion's Redoubt
- Champion's Refuge
- Champion's Regalia
- Champion's Sanctuary
- Champion's Stormcaller
- Champion's Threads
- Champion's Vestments
- Chi'Ji's Battlegear
- Chi-Ji's Battlegear
- Chronomancer Regalia
- Colossal Dragonplate Armor
- Colossal Dragonplate Battlegear
- Confessor's Raiment
- Conqueror's Battlegear
- Contender's Defense
- Corruptor Raiment
- Crimson Acolyte's Raiment
- Crimson Acolyte's Regalia
- Crusader's Ornamented Battlegear
- Crusader's Scaled Battlegear
- Cryptstalker Armor
- Cryptstalker Battlegear
- Crystalforge Armor
- Crystalforge Battlegear
- Crystalforge Raiment
- Cyclone Harness
- Cyclone Raiment
- Cyclone Regalia
- Cypher Attunement Rigging
- Dal'Rend's Arms
- Dark Coven's Regalia
- Darkmantle Armor
- Darkruned Battlegear
- Darkruned Plate
- Deathbone Guardian
- Deathbringer Garb
- Deathdealer's Embrace
- Deathlord's Battleplate
- Deathmantle
- Deathmist Raiment
- Deathrattle Regalia
- Deathspeaker
- Deep Earth Battlegarb
- Deep Earth Regalia
- Deep Earth Vestments
- Defias Leather
- Demon Stalker Armor
- Demonbane Armor
- Demonbreaker Wargear
- Demongaze Armor
- Demoniac's Threads
- Description
- Desolation Battlegear
- Destroyer Armor
- Destroyer Battlegear
- Devilsaur Armor
- Diabolic Raiment
- Doomblade Battlegear
- Doomcaller's Attire
- Doomplate Battlegear
- Dragonhide Battlegear
- Dragonstalker Armor
- Dread Sentinel's Ebony Battleplate
- Dreadmist Raiment
- Dreadnaught Battlegear
- Dreadnaught Plate
- Dreadnaught's Battlegear
- Dreadwake Armor
- Dreadweave Battlegear
- Dreadwyrm Battleplate
- Dreamgrove Raiment
- Dreamwalker Battlegear
- Dreamwalker Garb
- Dreamwalker Raiment
- Dreamwalker Regalia
- Duskweaver
- Eagletalon Battlegear
- Earthen Battleplate
- Earthen Warplate
- Earthshatter Battlegear
- Earthshatter Garb
- Earthshatter Regalia
- Ebonflame Raiment
- Ebony Death Shroud Armor
- Elementium Deathplate Battlearmor
- Elementium Deathplate Battlegear
- Emblems of Veiled Shadows
- Embrace of the Living Mountain
- Embrace of the Viper
- Enchanted Adamantite Armor
- Enigma Vestments
- Erudite Occultist's Vestments
- Eviscerator's Battlegear
- Evoker's Silk Battlegear
- Faewoven Regalia
- Faith in Felsteel
- Fanged Slayer's Armor
- Fangs of the Father
- Fearstalker's Ebony Battlegear
- Fel Infusion
- Fel Iron Chain
- Fel Iron Plate
- Fel Skin
- Felblade Armor
- Felfume Raiment
- Felheart Raiment
- Felreaper Vestments
- Felscale Armor
- Felstalker Armor
- Feralheart Raiment
- Field Marshal's Aegis
- Field Marshal's Battlegear
- Field Marshal's Earthshaker
- Field Marshal's Pursuit
- Field Marshal's Raiment
- Field Marshal's Regalia
- Field Marshal's Sanctuary
- Field Marshal's Threads
- Field Marshal's Vestments
- Finery of Infinite Wisdom
- Fire-Charm Armor
- Fire-Charm Battlegear
- Fire-Charm Vestments
- Firehawk Robes of Conflagration
- Firelord's Vestments
- Flame Guard
- Flamewaker's Battlegear
- Fortitude of the Nightborne
- Freethinker's Armor
- Frenzied Battleplate
- Frost Witch's Battlegear
- Frost Witch's Garb
- Frost Witch's Regalia
- Frostfire Garb
- Frostfire Regalia
- Frostsavage Battlegear
- Frostscale Binding
- Frostwoven Power
- Fury of the Nether
- Garb of Faith
- Garb of the Astral Warden
- Garb of the Grand Upwelling
- Garb of the Selfless
- Garb of the Undead Slayer
- Garb of Thero-shan
- Garb of Venerated Spirits
- Garments of the Oracle
- Garona's Battlegear
- Genesis Raiment
- Giantstalker Armor
- Gift of the Gathering Storm
- Gift of the Loa
- Gilded Seraph's Raiment
- Gladiator's Aegis
- Gladiator's Battlegear
- Gladiator's Copperskin
- Gladiator's Desecration
- Gladiator's Distinction
- Gladiator's Dreadgear
- Gladiator's Dreadplate
- Gladiator's Earthshaker
- Gladiator's Felshroud
- Gladiator's Investiture
- Gladiator's Ironskin
- Gladiator's Pursuit
- Gladiator's Raiment
- Gladiator's Redemption
- Gladiator's Refuge
- Gladiator's Regalia
- Gladiator's Sanctuary
- Gladiator's Thunderfist
- Gladiator's Vestments
- Gladiator's Vindication
- Gladiator's Wartide
- Gladiator's Wildhide
- Godstalker's Battlegear
- Grand Marshal's Aegis
- Grand Marshal's Battlegear
- Grand Marshal's Dreadgear
- Grand Marshal's Earthshaker
- Grand Marshal's Investiture
- Grand Marshal's Pursuit
- Grand Marshal's Raiment
- Grand Marshal's Redemption
- Grand Marshal's Refuge
- Grand Marshal's Regalia
- Grand Marshal's Sanctuary
- Grand Marshal's Thunderfist
- Grand Marshal's Vestments
- Grand Marshal's Vindication
- Grand Marshal's Wartide
- Grand Marshal's Wildhide
- Grandmaster's Finery
- Gravewarden Armaments
- Green Dragon Mail
- Grim Inquisitor's Regalia
- Gronnstalker's Armor
- Guile of Maldraxxus
- Guise of the Unseen Path
- Gul'dan's Regalia
- Habiliments of the Empyrean
- Hack and Gore
- Hallowed Raiment
- Haruspex's Garb
- Hellscream's Battlegear
- Hellscream's Plate
- High Warlord's Aegis
- High Warlord's Battlegear
- High Warlord's Dreadgear
- High Warlord's Earthshaker
- High Warlord's Investiture
- High Warlord's Pursuit
- High Warlord's Raiment
- High Warlord's Redemption
- High Warlord's Refuge
- High Warlord's Regalia
- High Warlord's Sanctuary
- High Warlord's Thunderfist
- High Warlord's Vestments
- High Warlord's Vindication
- High Warlord's Wartide
- High Warlord's Wildhide
- Iceborne Embrace
- Illidari Slayer
- Illusionist's Attire
- Imbued Netherweave
- Imperial Plate
- Implements of Unspoken Names
- Incanter's Regalia
- Incarnate Raiment
- Incarnate Regalia
- Inscrutable Exile's Garb
- Ironfeather Armor
- Ironpelt Armor
- Ironweave Battlesuit
- Jacin's Ruse
- Jaws of Retribution
- Journey Through Time
- Judgment Armor
- Juggernaut Battlegear
- Justicar Armor
- Justicar Battlegear
- Justicar Raiment
- Keepsakes of the Resolute Commandant
- Kel'Thuzad's Regalia
- Khadgar's Regalia
- Khorium Ward
- Kirin Tor Garb
- Kodohide Battlegear
- Koltira's Battlegear
- Koltira's Plate
- Lasherweave Battlegear
- Lasherweave Garb
- Lasherweave Regalia
- Latro's Flurry
- Lawbringer Armor
- Legacy of Azj'Aqir
- Liadrin's Battlegear
- Liadrin's Garb
- Liadrin's Plate
- Lieutenant Commander's Aegis
- Lieutenant Commander's Arcanum
- Lieutenant Commander's Battlearmor
- Lieutenant Commander's Battlegear
- Lieutenant Commander's Dreadgear
- Lieutenant Commander's Earthshaker
- Lieutenant Commander's Guard
- Lieutenant Commander's Investiture
- Lieutenant Commander's Pursuance
- Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit
- Lieutenant Commander's Raiment
- Lieutenant Commander's Redoubt
- Lieutenant Commander's Refuge
- Lieutenant Commander's Regalia
- Lieutenant Commander's Sanctuary
- Lieutenant Commander's Threads
- Lieutenant Commander's Vestments
- Lightbringer Armor
- Lightbringer Battlegear
- Lightbringer Raiment
- Lightforge Armor
- Lightning-Charged Battlegear
- Light's Vanguard Battleplate
- Lightsworn Battlegear
- Lightsworn Garb
- Lightsworn Plate
- Living Wood Battlegear
- Luminous Chevalier's Gallantry
- Madcap's Outfit
- Magister's Regalia
- Magma Plated Battlearmor
- Magma Plated Battlegear
- Major Mojo Infusion
- Malefic Raiment
- Malfurion's Battlegear
- Malfurion's Garb
- Malfurion's Regalia
- Malorne Harness
- Malorne Raiment
- Malorne Regalia
- Mana-Etched Regalia
- March of the Legion
- Maw of Oblivion
- Merciless Gladiator's Aegis
- Merciless Gladiator's Battlegear
- Merciless Gladiator's Dreadgear
- Merciless Gladiator's Earthshaker
- Merciless Gladiator's Felshroud
- Merciless Gladiator's Investiture
- Merciless Gladiator's Pursuit
- Merciless Gladiator's Raiment
- Merciless Gladiator's Redemption
- Merciless Gladiator's Refuge
- Merciless Gladiator's Regalia
- Merciless Gladiator's Sanctuary
- Merciless Gladiator's Thunderfist
- Merciless Gladiator's Vestments
- Merciless Gladiator's Vindication
- Merciless Gladiator's Wartide
- Merciless Gladiator's Wildhide
- Mercurial Punisher's Painweave
- Mercurial Regalia
- Mercurial Vestments
- Midsummer Reveler
- Might of the Warsong
- Molten Giant Battleplate
- Molten Giant Warplate
- Mooncloth Battlegear
- Moonglade Raiment
- Necropile Raiment
- Necrotic Boneplate Armor
- Necrotic Boneplate Battlegear
- Nemesis Raiment
- Nerubian Hive
- Netherblade
- Netherscale Armor
- Netherstrike Armor
- Netherweave Vestments
- Netherwind Regalia
- Nightslayer Armor
- Nightsong Battlegear
- Nightsong Garb
- Nightsong Regalia
- Nightwell Arcanum
- Nine-Tail Battlegear
- Nobundo's Battlegear
- Nobundo's Garb
- Nobundo's Regalia
- Nordrassil Harness
- Nordrassil Raiment
- Nordrassil Regalia
- Oakheart Raiment
- Oathclaw Wargarb
- Oblivion Raiment
- Obsidian Arborweave Battlegarb
- Obsidian Arborweave Regalia
- Obsidian Arborweave Vestments
- Ogreskull Boneplate Battlegear
- Onslaught Armor
- Onslaught Battlegear
- Opportunist's Battlegear
- Ornate Saronite Battlegear
- Overcaster Battlegear
- Overlord's Resolution
- Plagueheart Garb
- Plagueheart Raiment
- Plate of Cyclopean Dread
- Plate of Resounding Rings
- Plate of the All-Consuming Maw
- Plate of the Last Mogu
- Plate of the Lightning Emperor
- Plate of the Lost Catacomb
- Plate of the Prehistoric Marauder
- Plate of Winged Triumph
- Poisoner's Battlegear
- Prayer of the Primal
- Predator's Armor
- Primal Batskin
- Primal Blessing
- Primal Intent
- Primal Mooncloth
- Purified Shard of the Gods
- Queensguard Warbark
- Radiant Lightbringer Armor
- Raiment of the Arcanic Conclave
- Raiment of the Farseer
- Raine's Revenge
- Rancorbite Battlegear
- Rationale of Maldraxxus
- Redemption Armor
- Redemption Battlegear
- Redemption Plate
- Redemption Regalia
- Regalia of Bound Elements
- Regalia of Dying Light
- Regalia of Everburning Knowledge
- Regalia of Fabled Adventurers
- Regalia of Faith
- Regalia of Immolation
- Regalia of Radiant Glory
- Regalia of Shackled Elements
- Regalia of Ternion Glory
- Regalia of the Arcane Tempest
- Regalia of the Burning Scroll
- Regalia of the Chromatic Hydra
- Regalia of the Cleansing Flame
- Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel
- Regalia of the Eternal Blossom
- Regalia of the Exorcist
- Regalia of the Firebird
- Regalia of the Guardian Serpent
- Regalia of the Haunted Forest
- Regalia of the High Priest
- Regalia of the Horned Nightmare
- Regalia of the Raging Elements
- Regalia of the Shattered Vale
- Regalia of the Skybreaker
- Regalia of the Thousandfold Hells
- Regalia of the Witch Doctor
- Regalia of Undead Cleansing
- Reinforced Sapphirium Battlearmor
- Reinforced Sapphirium Battleplate
- Reinforced Sapphirium Regalia
- Rift Stalker Armor
- Righteous Armor
- Ripped Secrets
- Runebound Regalia
- Runetotem's Battlegear
- Runetotem's Garb
- Runetotem's Regalia
- Runewarden's Guise
- Rylakstalker's Battlegear
- Sanctification Garb
- Sanctification Regalia
- Sandstorm Plate
- Satin Battlegear
- Savage Plate Battlegear
- Savage Saronite Battlegear
- Scaled Draenic Armor
- Scourgeborne Battlegear
- Scourgeborne Plate
- Scourgelord's Battlegear
- Scourgelord's Plate
- Scourgestalker Battlegear
- Sea Sisters' Cunning
- Seer's Linked Battlegear
- Seer's Mail Battlegear
- Seer's Ringmail Battlegear
- Serpentstalker Guise
- Shadow Council's Garb
- Shadowblade's Battlegear
- Shadowcraft Armor
- Shadowflame Regalia
- Shadow's Embrace
- Shard of the Gods
- Sha-Skin Regalia
- Shiny Shard of the Gods
- Shroud of the Demon Star
- Siegebreaker Battlegear
- Siegebreaker Plate
- Skyshatter Harness
- Skyshatter Raiment
- Skyshatter Regalia
- Slayer's Armor
- Sootfur Garb
- Sorcerer's Regalia
- Soul Priest's Raiment
- Soulblade Shadowhide
- Soulbreaker's Ebony Vestments
- Soulcloth Embrace
- Soulforge Armor
- Spellstrike Infusion
- Spider's Kiss
- Spirit of Eskhandar
- Spiritmender
- Spiritwalker's Battlegear
- Spiritwalker's Regalia
- Spiritwalker's Vestments
- Spring Tuxedo
- Stalker's Chain Battlegear
- Stormcaller's Garb
- Stormheart Raiment
- Stormhide Battlegear
- Stormrage Raiment
- Stormrider's Battlegarb
- Stormrider's Regalia
- Stormrider's Vestments
- Stormshroud Armor
- Strength of the Clefthoof
- Striker's Garb
- Sunstrider's Regalia
- Swiftarrow Battlegear
- Symbols of Unending Life
- Tailwind Regalia
- Tapestry of the Fixed Stars
- Tempest Regalia
- Terrorblade Battlegear
- Test [do not translate]
- Thassarian's Battlegear
- Thassarian's Plate
- The Big Wave
- The Dark Brand
- The Darksoul
- The Defiler's Determination
- The Defiler's Fortitude
- The Defiler's Intent
- The Defiler's Purpose
- The Defiler's Resolution
- The Defiler's Resolve
- The Defiler's Will
- The Earthfury
- The Earthshatterer
- The Elements
- The First Eidolon's Soulsteel
- The Fists of Fury
- The Five Thunders
- The Gladiator
- The Highlander's Determination
- The Highlander's Fortitude
- The Highlander's Intent
- The Highlander's Purpose
- The Highlander's Resolution
- The Highlander's Resolve
- The Highlander's Will
- The Mail Courier
- The Postmaster
- The Scale's Embrace
- The Ten Storms
- The Twin Blades of Azzinoth
- The Twin Blades of Hakkari
- The Twin Stars
- The Unyielding
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Regalia
- Thick Draenic Armor
- Thrall's Battlegear
- Thrall's Garb
- Thrall's Regalia
- Thundercrash Armor
- Thunderheart Harness
- Thunderheart Raiment
- Thunderheart Regalia
- Tidefury Raiment
- Time Lord's Regalia
- Tirisfal Regalia
- Titanic Empowerment
- Titanic Onslaught Armor
- Title
- Tradition of Cooking
- Traitor's Oath
- Trappings of the Unseen Path
- Trappings of Vaulted Secrets
- Turalyon's Battlegear
- Turalyon's Garb
- Turalyon's Plate
- Twilight Trappings
- Umbra-Weaver's Portent
- Undead Slayer's Armor
- Undead Slayer's Blessed Armor
- VanCleef's Battlegear
- Velen's Lament
- Velen's Raiment
- Velen's Regalia
- Vengeful Gladiator's Aegis
- Vengeful Gladiator's Battlegear
- Vengeful Gladiator's Dreadgear
- Vengeful Gladiator's Earthshaker
- Vengeful Gladiator's Felshroud
- Vengeful Gladiator's Investiture
- Vengeful Gladiator's Pursuit
- Vengeful Gladiator's Raiment
- Vengeful Gladiator's Redemption
- Vengeful Gladiator's Refuge
- Vengeful Gladiator's Regalia
- Vengeful Gladiator's Sanctuary
- Vengeful Gladiator's Thunderfist
- Vengeful Gladiator's Vestments
- Vengeful Gladiator's Vindication
- Vengeful Gladiator's Wartide
- Vengeful Gladiator's Wildhide
- Venombite Garb
- Vestment of Second Sight
- Vestments of Absolution
- Vestments of Blind Absolution
- Vestments of Dying Light
- Vestments of Enveloped Dissonance
- Vestments of Faith
- Vestments of Prophecy
- Vestments of Seven Sacred Seals
- Vestments of Ternion Glory
- Vestments of the Black Harvest
- Vestments of the Cleansing Flame
- Vestments of the Dark Phoenix
- Vestments of the Devout
- Vestments of the Eternal Blossom
- Vestments of the Exorcist
- Vestments of the Faceless Shroud
- Vestments of the Firebird
- Vestments of the Guardian Serpent
- Vestments of the Haunted Forest
- Vestments of the Lightning Emperor
- Vestments of the Purifier
- Vestments of the Raging Elements
- Vestments of the Red Crane
- Vestments of the Selfless
- Vestments of the Shattered Vale
- Vestments of the Virtuous
- Vestments of the Witch Doctor
- Vestments of Transcendence
- Vestments of Winged Triumph
- Vesture of Tirisgarde
- Vindicator's Battlegear
- Voidheart Raiment
- Volcanic Armor
- Volcanic Battlegear
- Volcanic Regalia
- Volcanic Vestments
- Warbringer Armor
- Warbringer Battlegear
- Warlord's Aegis
- Warlord's Battlegear
- Warlord's Earthshaker
- Warlord's Pursuit
- Warlord's Raiment
- Warlord's Regalia
- Warlord's Sanctuary
- Warlord's Threads
- Warlord's Vestments
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect
- Wastewalker Armor
- Watch of the Ceaseless Vigil
- Waycrest Legacy
- White Tiger Battlegear
- White Tiger Plate
- White Tiger Vestments
- Whitemend Wisdom
- Wild Draenish Armor
- Wildheart Raiment
- Wildstalker Armor
- Wind Dancer's Regalia
- Windhawk Armor
- Windrunner's Battlegear
- Windrunner's Pursuit
- Windspeaker's Regalia
- Winter Garb
- Worldbreaker Battlegear
- Worldbreaker Garb
- Worldbreaker Regalia
- Wrath of Spellfire
- Wrynn's Battlegear
- Wrynn's Plate
- Wyrmhide Battlegear
- Wyrmstalker Battlegear
- Xuen's Battlegear
- Yaungol Slayer Battlegear
- Ymirjar Lord's Battlegear
- Ymirjar Lord's Plate
- Zabra's Raiment
- Zabra's Regalia
- Zanzil's Concentration