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UploadedJun 27, 2016
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 7.0.3
- Fix .pkgmeta
- Remove SavedVariables
- Add a README and use .docmeta
- Use .pkgmeta instead of a hard embed
- Hard embed LibStub and CallbackHandler-1.0
- Get and inform about relic slot changes
The case where a relic just got unlocked need testing since the artifact
UI won't be opened in that case and I don't know if ARTIFACT_UPDATE
fires for it.
- Move knowledge data to the artifacts table
- Update the knowledge level at CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE
Knowledge level changes don't trigger ARTIFACT_UPDATE, however we can
get the knowledge multiplier only after ARTIFACT_UPDATE, so update the
level and inform about missing data
- Actually if we don't have it, then it's new
- Scan the bank on BANKFRAME_OPENED instead on PEW
Bank data is not available unless the player is at the bank
- Check against the item classID too when scanning the bags
Artifacts are not the only items of that quality. Artifact Research
Notes are too.
- Account for unequipped artifacts on ATRIFACT_XP_UPDATE
At the Forge the player can purchase traits even for unequipped
- Store the relic links too
- A bit of debug
- Only scan it we don't have the data yet
- Rename powerForNextTrait
Rank is the right name as the player purchases ranks rather than traits
- Add the itemID to the ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATED message
- Add GetArtifactKnowledge() to the API
- Use the same format for all messages
- Remove numTraits
use #artifacts[artifactID].traits instead
- Add GetArtifactPower(artifactID) to the API
- Also return the artifactID for traits and relics
- Actually store the scanned traits
- Cover artifact respec
to avoid double-scannig
- Fix power gains and cover perks update
TODO: check traits refund
- Initial commit