Vale N'zoth Invasions #25

  • Ludovicus_Maior created this issue Feb 1, 2020

    I found that the N'zoth invasions In the Vale of Eternal Blossoms needed another instanceIDOverrides entry:


    diff --git a/libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua b/libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
    index bfd1df8..ce558b8 100755
    --- a/libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
    +++ b/libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
    @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ local instanceIDOverrides = {
         [1662] = 1220, -- Suramar Invasion Scenario
         -- BfA
         [2241] = 1,    -- Uldum N'zoth invasion
    +    [2275] = 1,    -- Vale N'zoth invasion
  • nevcairiel posted a comment Feb 1, 2020

    "1" would not be the correct continent ID for  the Vale, since "1" is for Kalimdor.


    Additionally, does the new dynamic override system not catch these properly?


    Also, those overrides are meant for areas that are for some reason a different ID, but otherwise still the same continent - ie. something you can walk into and out of at will. If this ID is only used in the daily invasion scenario, which shares practically nothing with the "real" world except a bit of landscape, and is extremely confined in its space, then there is no reason to really add it.


    2241 in Uldum, for example, is used in the outer world, the normal zone as it where during an assault (invasion was probably the wrong word for it)

    Edited Feb 1, 2020
  • nevcairiel closed issue Feb 2, 2020
  • nevcairiel posted a comment Feb 2, 2020

    I've decided to add the appropriate value for the vale minor vision. For the record, its 870 for Pandaria.

  • Ludovicus_Maior posted a comment Feb 2, 2020


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