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  • Uploaded
    Jan 14, 2015
  • Size
    7.90 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.0.3


Ethan Centaurai:
    - Updated upvalues and fixed a leaked global.
    - Use a table of completed quests instead of Blizzard's unreliable IsQuestFlaggedComplete() API.
    - Updated README.
    - Use HandyNotes' API to get the map ID.
    - Dropped Cartographer support since it's been dead for years.
    - Use GetCurrentMapAreaID() when creating TomTom waypoints to prevent them pointing to an incorrect zone.
    - Use the CalendarGetDayEvent() API to make an automatic on/off switch. In theory.
    - Updated the dates of the 2015 Lunar Festival.
    - Bump Interface number to 60000.
    - Added an icon to show Zidormi's location, just in case the Elder in Blasted Lands is phased out due to the Iron Horde invasion.
    - Use a custom continent iterator to put marker pins on the world map.
    - Delete gitattributes and gitignore.