Need dynamic node frame level #70

  • Forge_User_50147547 created this issue Sep 21, 2017



    I'm developing the HandyNotes_Argus plugin and i would like to request a not too difficult feature.

    It should be easy to implement this, but your api would probably change slightly.

    Maybe you have a better idea to implement this with backwards compatibility.


    Your code looks like this currently:

    local frameLevel = WorldMapButton:GetFrameLevel() + 5
    for coord, mapFile2, iconpath, scale, alpha, level2 in pluginHandler:GetNodes(mapFile, false, level) do

    I need that 5 to be dynamic for each node, since i have often nodes on top of each other, but need to have a specific one to be clickable.

    And then in the iter method i would need:

    return node["coord"], nil, iconPath, iconScale, iconAlpha, iconFrameLevel

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