Healer Icon without class coloring #56

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to archarodim
  • ex2j created this issue Jan 24, 2023

    i use this and works fine but one question. i use the minimal design, so i see a small cross in class color.

    is it possible to make fix colored depends on friendly or enemy healer? so friendly is always green, enemy always red, ignoring the class?


    EDIT: Found out that the "normal" Cross Style change color the same way to classes with a little cross in white for friendly and red for enemy healer.

    Can you make a check box or so to disable class coloring? I just want a red cross for enemy and green(or maybe white) for friendly.

  • ex2j added a tag Enhancment Jan 24, 2023
  • archarodim self-assigned this issue Jan 26, 2023
  • archarodim added a tag Accepted Jan 26, 2023

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