GatherHud Crashing #12

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to xinhuan
  • _ForgeUser1992404 created this issue Apr 1, 2013

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

    Installed Version



    Gatherhud is crashing when I click to change the radius scan of the HUD.

    Installed Addons

    _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay Ackis Recipe List - 2.4.6 Addon Control Panel - 3.4.2 ArkInventory - 3.03.27 Atlas - v1.24.00 AtlasLoot Enhanced - v7.05.02 Auc-Advanced-Searcher-HealPoints - v1.0.6 Auc-Advanced-Searcher-Pawn - v1.4.9 Auc-Stat-WoWuction - 1.1 Auctioneer - AuctioneerSuite-5.15.5383 Auto Questing Tools - v1.1.4 AutoEquipQuestItem - v1.2.5 Bartender4 - 4.5.9 BattlePetsList - v0.2.1 Better Battle Pet Tooltip - Buffet - Carbonite - 5.1.6 Chatter - 1.4.4 ClassLoot - v1.7.3 Deadly Boss Mods - 5.2.2 Deadly Boss Mods - Burning Crusade and Vanilla mods - Vanilla and BC Mods r435 Deadly Boss Mods - Cataclysm mods - Cataclysm Mods r47 Deadly Boss Mods - LibDataBroker - Deadly Boss Mods - LibDataBroker r14 Deadly Boss Mods - Wrath of the Lich King mods - WotLK Mods r33 Fish Warden - v4.1.0.20 GatherHud - v1.1.8 GatherMate2 - 1.25.4 GatherMate2_Data - v15.5 HealPoints - idQuestAutomation - 4.0-1 LoadIT (continued) - v50001.1 Look! New Recipe! - Look! New Recipe! MillHelp - 2.0.13 Monomyth - 50001.8-Beta MoveAnything - 13.5.1 MrT-BattlePetFrame - MrT-BattlePetFrame - v1.3 NoBoPWarning - v201210311445 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.8 OmniCC - 5.2.2 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.71 Panda - Parrot - v1.11.2 Pawn - 1.8.4 Pawn Scrap - 5 Pet Battle HUD - PlayerScore - Version 5.2.0 Postal - v3.5.1 Prospect - v201210250038 Rarity - r182-release RatingBuster - r396 Recipe Radar - Recipe Radar v1.403 RecipeProfit for GatherMate - v2.08a Recount - v5.2.0a release SilverDragon - v3.0.6 Skillet - 2.43 SpamageMeters - 1.6.6 SpartanUI - 3.1.5 Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Currency] - Titan Panel [Currency] Ver. 5.7 Titan Panel [GuildProgress] - TitanPanelGuildProgress_v3_00 Titan Panel [Social] - 5.2r22-release TradeSkillMaster_Crafting - v1.2.1 VuhDo - VuhDo 3.36 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.6.6 XLoot - z12b-release XLootGroup - z15-repack-release XLootMaster - final-release XLootMonitor - final-release

  • _ForgeUser1992404 added the tags New Defect Apr 1, 2013

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