My Games Errors #5

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  • Other
Assigned to belazor
  • _ForgeUser3173682 created this issue Nov 4, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2

    Installed Version



    In my games library it has to Worlds of Warcraft and only one works and i need to delete on of them how can i do this.

    Installed Addons

    FuBar_InstanceInfoFu - v1.2.2 FuBar_LocationFu - r140-stable FuBar_MailFu - v3.1.3-3 FuBar_MoneyFu - v1.2.4 FuBar_PerformanceFu - v2.0.0 FuBar_ProfessionsFu - 3.0.5 FuBar_RecountFu - v3.13-release FuBar_ThreatFu - 4.1 GatherMate - v.1.24 GatherMate_Data - v2.24 GearScore - GearScore 3.1.20 - Release HealBot Continued - IceHUD - Mapster - 1.3.11 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.11 Outfitter - 5.0.3 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.57

  • _ForgeUser3173682 added the tags New Other Nov 4, 2010

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