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    Oct 26, 2014
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.0.2


r31 | yukinoba | 2014-10-26 07:57:02 +0000 (Sun, 26 Oct 2014) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.lua
   M /trunk/EN_ClassIcon.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

r31 changes
1. Fixed: Left position and shown decision to Blizzard Frames, switch the texture of Player and Pet for Vehicle instead.
2. Fixed: Fix texture display error when user first login and display Player Portrait as Class Icon.
r30 | yukinoba | 2014-10-25 12:45:48 +0000 (Sat, 25 Oct 2014) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.xml
   M /trunk/EN_FocusFrame.lua
   M /trunk/EN_HpMpXp.lua
   M /trunk/EN_Options.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

r30 changes
1. Fixed: change SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", 0) to SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", "0") for disable Raid Style Party Frames
2. Fixed: change Player 3D Model size back to origin as Target 3D Model
r29 | yukinoba | 2014-10-25 05:23:26 +0000 (Sat, 25 Oct 2014) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.lua
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.xml
   M /trunk/EN_Options.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFramesLocal.lua

r29 changes:
1. Fixed: Party Class Abbrev fixed with locale full name, and english first 3 codes as abbrev.
2. Fixed: Exchange Player and Vehicle position with correct 3D Portrait or ClassIcons. Vehicle Portrait is now decided by Player3DPortrait Option
3. Fixed: for CheckButton:SetChecked(value) method with value 1/0 to true/false, make validation whenever EUF Option panel opened.
4. Fixed: turn off Blizzard built-in Raid Style Party Frame with SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", 0, true) when event "VARIABLES_LOADED" fires.

TODO: migrates SquidFrames texture into Enigma Unit Frames
r28 | yukinoba | 2014-10-20 16:17:29 +0000 (Mon, 20 Oct 2014) | 13 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_HpMpXp.lua
   M /trunk/EN_Options.xml
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

r28 changes:
1. Add: add alternative font styles to status bar fonts, according to Blizzard's default FontStyles.xml provides:
    [0] = SystemFont_Small,
    [1] = NumberFontNormal,
    [2] = NumberFontNormalSmall,
    [3] = SystemFont_Large,
    [4] = GameFontNormal,
    [5] = NumberFontNormalLarge,
    [6] = SystemFont_Shadow_Med2,
    [7] = GameFontNormalLarge,
    [8] = NumberFontNormalHuge,
    [9] = SystemFont_Huge1,
    [10] = GameFontNormalHuge
r27 | yukinoba | 2014-10-20 15:29:54 +0000 (Mon, 20 Oct 2014) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.lua
   M /trunk/EN_ClassIcon.lua
   M /trunk/EN_HpMpXp.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyTarget.lua
   M /trunk/EN_TargetInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

r27 changes:
1. Fixed: add ClassIcon update on 3DPortrait option changes to avoid portrait error after disable 3D portraits
2. Fixed: add classid arguments of UnitClass method for API changes since 5.0.4 to fix class icon functions
r26 | yukinoba | 2014-10-20 14:43:06 +0000 (Mon, 20 Oct 2014) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_ClassIcon.lua
   A /trunk/EN_ClassIconWoD.blp
   M /trunk/EN_Options.xml
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

r26 changes:
1. Fixed: add self:SetObeyStepOnDrag(true) before option slider value stepping to act like old times.
2. Add: add new big class icon
r25 | yukinoba | 2014-10-18 14:54:42 +0000 (Sat, 18 Oct 2014) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.xml
   M /trunk/EN_Buff.lua
   M /trunk/EN_FocusFrame.lua
   M /trunk/EN_HpMpXp.lua
   M /trunk/EN_Options.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_TargetInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFramesLocal.lua
   A /trunk/UI-TargetingFrameWoD.tga

Enigma UnitFrames r25
1. Fixed: from 5.4.2, 1|nil boolean functions turn into true|false
2. Known issue: error occurs when join battlefield in any instance
3. Add: new WoD player frame skin theme
r24 | yukinoba | 2012-10-17 11:43:28 +0000 (Wed, 17 Oct 2012) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.lua
   M /trunk/EN_3DPortrait.xml
   M /trunk/EN_FocusFrame.lua
   M /trunk/EN_HpMpXp.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyCastBar.lua
   M /trunk/EN_PartyInfo.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.lua
   M /trunk/EN_UnitFrames.toc

2. SetCamera(0) >> SetPortraitZoom(1)