Incorporate Consolidated Buffs as a Filter #46

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to elkano
  • _ForgeUser1558668 created this issue Dec 10, 2009

    UnitAura has a new return called "shouldConsolidate". This should enable you to add a filter option saying something to the effect of, "Filter buffs based on Blizzard's Consolidation Box". Enabling this option should allow only the non-consolidated buffs to be displayed by Elkano and all the rest filtered into Blizzards Buff Box Frame.

    As an additional option, you might want to (if this is even possible) find a way to replace Blizzard Buff Box frame with your own frame that matches the rest of Elkano's display. Mousing Over that frame would have the same effect as mousing over Blizzard's Frame (displaying all your consolidated buffs).

  • _ForgeUser1558668 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 10, 2009

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