Add command line option to toggle logging by channel #25

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to allinonemighty
  • evrithiki created this issue Nov 12, 2013

    I'd like to be able to easily toggle logging on a channel by using the command line so that I can write a macro that will control Elephant's logging by hitting a key or clicking a button.

    I'm a roleplayer and so I have a keen interest in the contents of the say, emote, and yell logs. That's where most roleplay takes place. But I also encounter a lot of non-roleplay-based say, emote, and yell text when not roleplaying -- for example, random yells while in capital cities. These I have no interest in keeping, and unfortunately at present Elephant doesn't have an easy toggle (that I know of), so the roleplay I want to save often gets pushed out of the log... and I fear that last night I forgot to turn logging back on and so lost a two-hour session... oops.

    This could be implemented by adding command-line options like this, one for each channel that Elephant can log. So, I could write a macro like this one:

    /elephant toggle say
    /elephant toggle yell
    /elephant toggle emote

    The rest of the channels, in this example, would be left untouched so that guild chat, party, raid, etc. would continue to be logged or not as was previously set.

    And these commands would have the same effect as clicking the Enable/Disable buttons at the bottom of the history window. A message would be printed in the default chat frame to provide confirmation of the current setting:

    Elephant: Logging of channel 'say' toggled ON (or OFF as appropriate)

    Of course, this could also be done as a straight on/off setting like:

    /elephant disable say

    But that would make a one-button macro difficult. So, ideally, both toggles and straight enable/disable commands should be added so that users can write the macros of their choice to control this. That way, when I prepare to roleplay I can easily enable the logging of the channels I want to save and then re-disable logging when I'm done by triggering the macro again.

    Of course, the state of the enable/disable button in the UI would have to properly reflect changes made at the command line.

  • evrithiki added the tags New Enhancment Nov 12, 2013
  • evrithiki edited description Nov 12, 2013

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