

All Namespaces

  • +%d Agility Food
  • +%d AP Food
  • +%d Critical Strike Rating Food
  • +%d Expertise Rating Food
  • +%d Haste Rating Food
  • +%d Hit Rating Food
  • +%d Intellect Food
  • +%d Mastery Rating Food
  • +%d Spell Power Food
  • +%d Spirit Food
  • +%d Strength Food
  • Actionbar
  • Actionbar options.
  • Actionbar page
  • Actionbar text on/off
  • Actionbar update timers
  • Add custom stats
  • Additional
  • Agi
  • Agility
  • Always
  • Amount of targets
  • AoE
  • AP
  • Armor
  • Armor calculation
  • Armor penetration rating
  • ArP
  • Automatic
  • Average
  • Average Crit
  • Average Hit
  • Average Hit + Extra
  • Average Total
  • Avg
  • Avg Crit:
  • Avg Heal:
  • Avg Total
  • Beast
  • Boss
  • Calculation
  • Calculation options.
  • Cast Time
  • Casts
  • Casts text color
  • Changes require reloading UI to apply.
  • Choose consumables to include.
  • Choose player buffs/debuffs.
  • Choose target buffs/debuffs.
  • Choose what buffs/debuffs to always include into calculations.
  • Choose what to display on the actionbar.
  • Coeffs
  • Combined Total:
  • Combo points
  • Compare stats
  • Compare the selected stat to other stats in the tooltip.
  • Consumables
  • Cr
  • Crit
  • Crit cap reached
  • Crit Cap:
  • Crit depression calculation
  • Crit Multiplier:
  • Crit:
  • Critical strike rating
  • Crits:
  • Current Target
  • D
  • Damage
  • Damage text color
  • Default actionbar support
  • Default tooltip colors
  • Default totem, pet and aura bar support (Reload UI)
  • Disable actionbar updates in combat
  • Disable in combat
  • Disabled
  • Display
  • Display tooltip
  • Display tooltip hints
  • Dmg
  • Dodge
  • Dodge calculation
  • Dot
  • DPE
  • DPF
  • DPM
  • DPP
  • DPR
  • DPRP
  • DPS
  • DPS (CD):
  • DPSC
  • Drag spell
  • Effective
  • Energy
  • Energy text color
  • Estimated target armor for non-boss enemies.
  • Exp
  • Expertise
  • Expertise rating
  • Focus
  • Font
  • Font Effect
  • Font Size
  • Forces an update to the actionbar.
  • GCD
  • Glancing
  • Glancing blow calculation
  • H
  • Ha
  • Haste for +1 Hit:
  • Haste rating
  • Heal
  • Heal text color
  • Hide hotkey text
  • Hide macro name text
  • Hit
  • Hit calculation
  • Hit rating
  • Hit:
  • Hits Heal:
  • Hits:
  • Hold Shift for secondary tooltip
  • Hot
  • Ht
  • Include mana consumables
  • Input agility to use in calculations.
  • Input armor penetration rating to use in calculations.
  • Input attack power to use in calculations.
  • Input critical strike rating to use in calculations.
  • Input expertise rating to use in calculations.
  • Input haste rating to use in calculations.
  • Input hit rating to use in calculations.
  • Input intellect to use in calculations.
  • Input mastery rating to use in calculations.
  • Input MP5 to use in calculations.
  • Input spell power to use in calculations.
  • Input spirit to use in calculations.
  • Input strength to use in calculations.
  • Input your target's resilience.
  • Int
  • Intellect
  • Ma
  • Main Hand:
  • Mana
  • Mana Cost
  • Mana per 5
  • Mana text color
  • Manual
  • Manually set stats are added to your stats in calculations.
  • Manually set stats are used in calculations.
  • Manually set the amount of calculated combo points. When 0 is selected, the calculation is based on the current amount.
  • Mastery
  • Mastery rating
  • Max
  • Max Crit
  • Max Hit
  • Max Total
  • Melee
  • Min Crit
  • Min Hit
  • Modifier key
  • Modify Buffs/Debuffs
  • Modify Stats
  • Modify Talents
  • Modify talents manually. Modified talents are not saved between sessions.
  • MPS
  • Multiplier:
  • Never
  • None
  • Off-Hand
  • OOM:
  • Outline
  • Parry
  • Parry calculation
  • Per Hit
  • Period:
  • Player
  • Player aura
  • Player power
  • PM (spam):
  • PM:
  • Power Cost
  • Proc Chance:
  • PRP
  • PS
  • PS (CD):
  • PS (spam):
  • PSC
  • Rage
  • Rage text color
  • Ranged
  • RAP
  • Regen
  • Remove Talents
  • Removes all talents from your current configuration.
  • Reset Options
  • Reset Talents
  • Reset talents to your current talent configuration.
  • Runic Power
  • Select the maximum amount of targets for your AoE abilities.
  • Shorten large number text
  • Show additional effects
  • Show additional mana usage information
  • Show avg and hit range
  • Show avg crit and crit range
  • Show avg total
  • Show coefficients
  • Show crit %
  • Show damage per power
  • Show damage/healing until OOM
  • Show DPM/HPM
  • Show DPS/HPS
  • Show efficient spellpower
  • Show hit %
  • Show per tick
  • Show stat increase values
  • Show stats for 1% increase
  • Show total casts and time until OOM
  • SP
  • Spell power
  • Spells
  • Spi
  • Spirit
  • Standalone Config
  • Stealth
  • Str
  • Strength
  • Swap calculation for double purpose abilities
  • Target
  • Target armor
  • Target aura
  • Target change
  • Target level
  • Target level compared to your level. Set as 3 for boss calculation.
  • Target mitigation calculation
  • Target resilience
  • Text color
  • Text X Position
  • Text Y Position
  • ThickOutline
  • Ticks:
  • Tooltip
  • Tooltip options.
  • Tooltip text color
  • True Mana Cost:
  • Two roll calculation
  • Unit health
  • Update Actionbar
  • Update the actionbar with alt key
  • Update the actionbar with ctrl key
  • Update the actionbar with shift key
  • Use custom stats
  • Weapon buff
  • With Alt
  • With Ctrl
  • With Shift

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