All Namespaces
- has been |cffABD473Defeated
- has been |cffC41F3BEngaged
- %s
- %s %s
- %s (T)
- %s Absorbs
- %s Activated
- %s Activation
- %s Active
- %s Aggros
- %s Arrival
- %s Arrives
- %s Begins
- %s Cast
- %s Cast
- %s Casted
- %s Casting
- %s CD
- %s Channel
- %s Cooldown
- %s Cooldown
- %s Debuff
- %s download from %s complete
- %s Duration
- %s Duration
- %s Ends
- %s Ends Soon
- %s Engages
- %s ETA
- %s Explodes
- %s Exposed
- %s Fades
- %s Hits
- %s Incoming
- %s incoming
- %s incoming!
- %s is sharing an update for %s
- %s Killed
- %s Landing
- %s Missing
- %s on
- %s on %s
- %s on %s
- %s on Me
- %s on Me
- %s on others
- %s on others
- %s on self
- %s on self
- %s Proximity Warning
- %s Ready
- %s Ready
- %s Removal
- %s Removed
- %s Respawn
- %s Respawns
- %s Respawns
- %s Resurrection
- %s Returns
- %s Soon
- %s soon
- %s Soon
- %s Spawn
- %s Spawned
- %s Spawns
- %s Spawns
- %s Stacks
- %s Stacks
- %s Target
- %s Teleports
- %s Timeleft
- %s Timer
- %s Timer
- %s upload complete
- %s Warn when Feud
- %s Warning
- %s Warning
- %s Warning on self
- %s! Burn him!
- %s/%s Cooldown
- %s: %s
- %s: %s x %s
- (Oregorger has gone insane from hunger!)
- (prepares to man the Dreadnaught's Main Cannon!)
- |cffffff00Click|r stops the current encounter
- |cffffff00Click|r to load
- |cffffff00Click|r to scale
- |cffffff00Click|r to toggle the settings window
- |cffffff00Left Click|r to display AddOn versions. Repeated clicks will refresh them
- |cffffff00Right Click|r to display the selected versions. Repeated clicks will refresh them
- |cffffff00Right-Click|r stops all custom bars
- |cffffff00Shift + Click|r to move
- |cffffff00Shift + Click|r to resize
- A minimum amount of alternate power a player must have to be displayed.
- About
- Above
- Accept
- Activates an encounter
- Activates the automatic responder for whispers during boss encounters and receive a short summary of the current fight (boss name, time elapsed, how many raid members are alive). The auto respnder works for normal and whispers.
- Activates the automatic responder for whispers during boss encounters. Others can send "dxestatus" to you to receive a short summary of the current fight (boss name, time elapsed, how many raid members are alive). The auto respnder works for normal and whispers.
- Add
- Add Sound Label
- AddOn
- Adds incoming!
- Adds train
- Adjust how long the flash lasts
- Adjust how many times the flash fades in and out
- Adjust settings related to the center anchor
- Adjust settings related to the inform warning message anchor
- Adjust settings related to the message anchor
- Adjust settings related to the top anchor
- Adjust settings related to the top warning message anchor
- Adjust the animation of the message appearing on screen
- Adjust the animation of the message disappearing on screen
- Adjust the delay of sound and flash screen reactivation
- Adjust the scale of arrows
- Adjust the scale of the pane
- Adjust the size of auras bars
- Adjust the size of center bars
- Adjust the size of message anchor
- Adjust the size of top bars
- Adjust the size of warning bars
- Adjust the spell icon on timer bars
- Adjust the text used on timer bars
- Adjust the time of the messages stay on screen
- Adjust the transparency of auras bars
- Adjust the transparency of bar text
- Adjust the transparency of center bars
- Adjust the transparency of range bars
- Adjust the transparency of the flash
- Adjust the transparency of timer text
- Adjust the transparency of top bars
- Adjust the transparency of warning bars
- Adjust the width of auras bars
- Adjust the width of center bars
- Adjust the width of the pane
- Adjust the width of top bars
- Adjust the width of warning bars
- Air Phase
- Air Phase Duration
- Alerts
- Alerts
- Alerts are split into three categories: cooldowns, durations, and warnings. Cooldown and duration alerts can fire a message before they end and when they popup. Warning alerts can only fire a message when they popup. Alerts suffixed self can only fire a popup message even if it is a duration
- Alpha
- already
- already at
- Alternate Power
- AlternatePower
- AlternatePower
- Anchor
- Anchor a center bar to the warnings anchor if its duration is less than or equal to threshold time
- Anchor bars onto the center anchor only
- Anchors all warning bars to the warning anchor instead of the center anchor
- Announce to raid
- Announce warning messages through raid warning chat
- Announces
- Announces
- Arrival
- Arrows
- Arrows
- Auchindoun: Azzakel
- Auchindoun: Nyami
- Auchindoun: Terongor
- Auchindoun: Vigilant Kaathar
- Audio Countdown
- Auras
- Auras Anchor
- Authors
- Auto accept
- Auto Hide
- Auto Popup
- Auto Responder
- Automatic
- Automatically accepts encounters sent by players
- Automatically hide the alternate power window when an encounter is defeated
- Automatically hide the proximity window when an encounter is defeated
- Automatically resizes the icon when the bar height is adjusted
- Automatically resizes timer font sizes when the bar height is adjusted
- Automatically show the alternate power window if the option is enabled in an encounter (Encounters > ... > Windows > AlternatePower)
- Automatically show the proximity window if the option is enabled in an encounter (Encounters > ... > Windows > Proximity)
- Back
- Background Color
- Background color used throughout the addon
- Background Inset
- Background Texture
- Background texture used throughout the addon
- Bar Alpha
- Bar Center Anchor
- Bar Color
- Bar Fill Direction
- Bar Growth
- Bar Height
- Bar Inform Anchor
- Bar Scale
- Bar Spacing
- Bar Text
- Bar Texture
- Bar texture used throughout the addon
- Bar Top Anchor
- Bar Warning Anchor
- Bar Width
- Bars
- Bars
- Because your Latency is always changing when fighting, Lag Tolerance matches your latency to provide the best 'end of a spell' possible, Blizzard limits this to be no sooner than 30 seconds.
- Before End Threshold
- Berserk Timer
- Berserk Warning
- Big add train
- Bile
- Blackrock Foundry
- Block boss emote frame messages
- Block boss emote messages in the chat log
- Block garrison alerts
- Block guild challenge alerts
- Block raid movies after you've seen them once.
- Block raid warning frame messages from other boss mods
- Block raid warning messages, in the chat log, from other boss mods
- Bloodmaul: Crushto
- Bloodmaul: Gugrokk
- Bloodmaul: Magmolatus
- Bloodmaul: Roltall
- Blue Phase
- Blue Phase Duration
- Border
- Border Color
- Border color used throughout the addon
- Border Edge Size
- Border size used througout the addon
- Border used throughout the addon
- Break Bar
- By default Lag Tolerance will be exact match to your current ping, this setting lets you tweak the final value.
- Cancel
- Cannon train
- Center
- Center Anchored Bars
- Change encounter
- Change Final Value
- Circle
- Class colors text
- Class Filter
- Clear
- Close
- Closest %s
- Color Text
- config
- Configuration
- Cooldown popups
- Cooldowns before ending
- Countdown voice
- Counter
- Created for use by %s on %s
- Cross
- Custom Bars
- Custom range
- Custom Sound Labels
- Custom threshold
- Debuff Anchored Bars
- Decimal Font Quality
- Decimal Font Size
- Decimal Vertical Offset
- Default
- Delay
- Determines how far ahead of the 'end of a spell' (Global Cooldown) start-recovery spell system can be, before allowing spell request to be sent to the server. This controls the built-in lag for the ability queuing system wich can be set in Options > Combat > Custom Lag Tolerance. Ideally, you'll want to set this to your in-game latency.
- Deus Vox Encounters
- Diamond
- Direction health watcher bars grow. If set to automatic, they grow based on where the pane is
- disable
- Disable addon
- Disable Dropdowns
- Disable Screen Flash
- Dispell
- Display a border around bars
- Display a border around icons
- Display an icon to the left of a warning message
- Displays all arrows and then rotates them for ten seconds
- Displays dummy bars or dots on the radar that can be useful for configuration
- Displays dummy bars that can be useful for configuration
- Distributor
- Dot Size
- Down
- Draenor
- Dummy Bars
- Dummy Bars/Dots
- Duration
- Duration popups
- Durations before ending
- DXE Autoresponder: Boss %s (%s%%), %s min elapsed, %s/%s alive
- DXE Autoresponder: Currently fighting %s. Send "dxestatus" for details.
- DXE is now maintained by
- DXE Slash Commands
- DXE updated to work with
- Eggs vulnerable
- Enable
- enable
- Enable addon
- Enable Auto Responder
- Enable Debuff Bar
- Enable displaying Debuff stacks on Debuff Bar.
- Enable Lag Tolerance
- Enable Messages
- Enable Oscillations
- Enable Raid Auras
- Enable raid icon marking. If this is disabled then you will not mark targets even if you have raid assist and raid icons enabled in encounters
- Enable the use of directional arrows
- Enable Top Message
- Enable Warning Anchor
- Enable Warning Bars
- Enable Warning Message Instead of Warning Bars.
- Enable Warning Messages
- Enable Whisper Filter
- Enabled
- Enables the strobing effect
- Enabling |cffffd200X popups|r will make it fire a message on appearance. Enabling |cffffd200X before ending|r will make it fire a message before ending based on before end threshold
- Encounter Selector
- Encounters
- Engage
- Enrage
- Enrage
- Enraged
- EverBloom: Ancient Protectors
- EverBloom: Archmage Sol
- EverBloom: Witherbark
- EverBloom: Xeritac
- EverBloom: Yalnu
- Examples
- Exposed Head Warning
- Exposed Head!
- FadeIn Time
- FadeOut Time
- Failed to load %s after downloading! Request another distribute from %s
- Fires a dropdown, center popup, and simple alert bars
- Fires a flash using a random color
- First Phase
- First Phase incoming
- Flash Color
- Flash screen
- Flashtime
- Flashtime in seconds left on alert
- Font
- Font Color
- Font Size
- Font used for timers
- Font used throughout the addon
- Found
- Free him!
- Front
- Full Power CD
- Full Power Duration
- General
- Gives timer bars and raid messages about common buffs when used (ex: tranquility) and raid utils (ex: feasts and jeeves)
- Global Color
- Globals
- Go near other players
- Green Phase
- Green Phase Duration
- GrimRailDepot: Nitrogg Thundertower
- GrimRailDepot: Rocket And Borka
- GrimRailDepot: Skylord Tovra
- Ground Phase
- Ground Phase Duration
- Hard Mode
- Hard Mode Ends
- Health Font Size
- Here you can configure settings related to boss kills/wipes messages and fastest kill bar
- Here you can select a diferent sound countdown voice
- Highmaul
- Horizontal Offset
- Horizontal position of the icon
- How big the icon is in width and height
- How far apart health bars are
- How far apart the bars are spaced vertically
- How far in or out the background is from the edges
- How many seconds before an alert ends to fire a warning message. This only applies to cooldown and duration type alerts
- Icon
- Icon %s
- Icon Position
- Icon Size
- Icon X Offset
- Icon Y Offset
- If a center bar's duration is less than or equal to this then it anchors to the warnings anchor
- If you want to send an encounter to a player, select an encounter, select a player, and then press '|cffffd200Send to player|r'
- If you want to send an encounter to the raid, select an encounter, and then press '|cffffd200Send to raid|r'
- in
- Incineration
- Incoming
- Incoming %s
- Interrupt NOW!
- Interrupt Warning
- Interrupt!
- Invalid input. Usage: |cffffd200%s time text|r
- Invalid time. The format must be |cffffd200minutes:seconds|r or |cffffd200seconds|r (e.g. 1:30 or 90)
- Invert Bars
- Inverts all power bars
- Inverts all range bars
- IronDocks: Grimrail Enforcers
- IronDocks: Nokgar
- IronDocks: Oshir
- IronDocks: Skulloc
- is about to SPAWN
- Justification
- Label name
- Lag Tolerance
- Lane
- Left
- Left
- Left to Right
- Load
- Loaded - Type |cffffff00/dxe|r for slash commands
- Local Bar Color
- Locking
- Lost Color
- Low Health
- Magmaw Slump Cooldown
- Magmaw Slump Warning
- Magmaw Slumping
- Main Color
- Main Font
- Make the screen flash always be the global color. It will not become the main color of the alert.
- Make windows visible
- Master Sound Channel
- Message Anchor
- Message Anchor
- Message Font
- Message HoldTime
- Message Scale
- Messages
- Messages Color
- Messages Sound
- Minimap
- Miscellaneous
- Missing %s
- Modules
- Moon
- Most encounters only use |cffffd200Icon 1|r and |cffffd200Icon 2|r. Additional icons are used for abilities that require multi-marking (e.g. Anub'arak's Penetrating Cold). If you change an icon, make sure all icons are different from one another
- Mount him like you mean it!
- Move Out of %s
- Movie Filter
- Mute all
- Name
- Name Alignment
- Name Font Size
- Name Horizontal Offset
- near
- Nefarian Ability CD
- Nefarian landing
- Nefarian Phase
- Nefarian Phase Duration
- Neutral Color
- Next %s
- Next %s
- Next %s Spawn
- Next Adds: %s
- Next Nefarian Action!
- None
- None
- Now change the sound to what you want. Sounds can be tested by clicking on the speaker icons within the dropdown
- on
- Only if engaged
- Only in party
- Only in party instances
- Only in raid instances
- Only in raids
- Only on mouseover
- option
- Options
- Oscillations
- Output to an additional interface
- Over
- Overcharged Zone
- Overcharged Zone, get out!
- Pane
- Party Module for WoD
- Phase
- Phase
- Phase %s
- Phase %s Duration
- Phase %s Warning
- Phase 2
- Phase 2 Heroic Warning
- Phase 2 started!
- Phase 2 Timer
- Phase 3 incoming
- Phase 3 Warning
- Phase Duration
- Phase Four
- Phase Four
- Phase One
- Phase One
- Phase Three
- Phase Three
- Phase Two
- Phase Two
- Phase Warning
- Phase Warnings
- player
- Power Font Size
- Power Horizontal Offset
- Power Threshold
- proximity
- Proximity
- Proximity
- Proximity Display
- Pull Bar
- Pulling
- Radar
- Radar
- Raid Auras
- Raid Bar Color
- Raid Debuff Anchor
- Raid Icons
- Raid Icons
- Raid Wipe
- Raidicon Display
- Random trains
- Range
- Red Phase
- Red Phase Duration
- Redirect center bars
- Refresh every X seconds
- Reject
- remaining
- Remove
- Removed
- Replace
- Replace Me with
- Reset
- Right
- Right
- Right to Left
- Rows
- Say %s on self
- Say %s on self
- Scale
- Scale with bar height
- Screen Flash
- Seconds Font Quality
- Seconds' Font Size
- Select a background texture
- Select a bar height
- Select a font quality used on a timer's decimal text
- Select a font quality used on a timer's seconds text
- Select a font size used on a timer's decimal text
- Select a font size used on a timer's seconds' text
- Select a font size used on bar text
- Select a font size used on health watchers
- Select a font size used on name text
- Select a font size used on power text
- Select a font size used on time text
- Select a font size used on warning message
- Select a player
- Select a text justification
- Select an encounter
- Select encounter
- Selector
- Send to player
- Send to raid
- Set a font color used on bar text
- Set a font color used on bar timers
- Set a font color used on health watchers
- Set all to None
- Set selected to None
- Set the visibilty of raidicons: None, Above the dots, Replace the dots
- Sets every alert's sound in the selected encounter to None
- Sets every alert's sound to None. This affects currently loaded encounters
- Sets the selected sound label back to its default value
- Settings
- Shield
- Show Bar
- Show Bar Border
- Show Best Kill
- Show Icon
- Show Icon Border
- Show Kill
- Show Kill Count
- Show Left Icon
- Show messages for
- Show minimap icon
- Show Pane
- Show proximity window
- Show Right Icon
- Show the pane only if an encounter is running
- Show the pane only if the mouse is over it
- Show the pane only in party
- Show the pane only in party instances
- Show the pane only in raid instances
- Show the pane only in raids
- Show version check window
- Show Wipe
- Show Wipe Count
- Shows a spell icon on the left side of the bar
- Shows a spell icon on the left side of the message
- Shows a spell icon on the right side of the bar
- Shows a spell icon on the right side of the message
- Silences all alert sounds
- Skull
- Skyreach: Araknath
- Skyreach: Ranjit
- Skyreach: Ruknran
- Skyreach: Viryx
- Slash commands: |cffffff00/dxelb time text|r (local bar) or |cffffff00/dxerb time text|r (raid bar): |cffffff00time|r can be in the format |cffffd200minutes:seconds|r or |cffffd200seconds|r
- SMBurialGrounds: Bonemaw
- SMBurialGrounds: Nerzhul
- SMBurialGrounds: Nhallish
- SMBurialGrounds: SadanaBloodfury
- Solid
- Soon
- Sound
- Sound File for %s
- Sound Label
- Sound Labels
- Sounds
- Spawns
- Special thanks to all current and previous translators, your work will always be appreciated
- Square
- Stacks
- Star
- Statistics Bar
- Stay away
- Stop
- Switch to %s
- Switch to %s
- Sync
- Test
- Test Alert
- Test Arrows
- Test Bars
- Test Flash
- Test Inform
- Test Message
- Testing Message
- Testing Message Alert
- Testing Message Inform
- Text
- Text Width
- Text-based
- Texture
- The alternate power window tracks the 'alternate power' of players for certain fights ie- Cho'gall and Atremedes
- The alternatePower window refresh rate (seconds). Increase to improve performance. |cff99ff330|r refreshes every frame
- The color of broadcasted raid bars fired by you or a raid member
- The color of local bars that you fire
- The color of statistic bar
- The color of the flash becomes the main color of the alert. Colors for each alert are set in the Encounters section. If the color is set to 'Clear' it defaults to black
- The color of the health bar after losing the mob
- The color of the health bar when first shown
- The direction auras bars grow
- The direction bars fill
- The direction center bars grow
- The direction top bars grow
- The direction warning bars grow
- The distance (game yards) a player has to be within to appear in the proximity window
- The encounter to change
- The horizontal position of name text
- The horizontal position of power text
- The horizontal position of the bar text
- The horizontal position of the timer text
- The horizontal position of time text
- The number of bars to show
- The position of the class icon
- The proximity window refresh rate (seconds). Increase to improve performance. |cff99ff330|r refreshes every frame
- The proximity window uses map coordinates of players to calculate distances. This relies on knowing the dimensions, in game yards, of each map. If the dimension of a map is not known, it will default to the closest range rounded up to 10, 11, or 18 game yards
- The size of the dots and icons in the radar window
- The sound that plays when a custom bar is fired
- The text alignment of the name text
- The type of the proximity window, radar or text-based
- The vertical position of a timer's decimal text in relation to its second's text
- The vertical position of the bar text
- The vertical position of the timer text
- The width of the text for auras bars
- The width of the text for center bars
- The width of the text for top bars
- The width of the text for warning bars
- This allows you to change your abilitys announces from including playername or the DXE standart Me. Your healers might prefer playername.
- This mode has customization options
- This mode only allows you to enable or disable
- This option filter the message dxestatus sent to player appearing to you, disable if you want to see it.
- Threshold
- Threshold time
- Time Font Size
- Time Horizontal Offset
- Timer Font
- Timer font sizes are determined by bar height
- Timer Text
- Title Bar Color
- Title bar color used throughout the addon
- Title Font Size
- Toggle Anchors
- Toggle frame anchors
- Toggle frame anchors. You can also toggle this by clicking on the pane's pad lock icon
- Toggle the visibility of the pane
- Toggles
- Toggles configuration
- Toggles the settings window
- Toggles use of Master sound channel for alert and arrow sounds
- Top Anchored Bars
- Translators
- Trap Warning
- Trash
- Trash: Blackrock Enforcer
- Trash: Blast Furnace Exhaust
- Trash: Breaker Ritualist
- Trash: Darkshard Gnasher
- Trash: Forgemistress Flamehand
- Trash: Gorian Arcanist
- Trash: Gorian Runemaster
- Trash: Ogron Hauler
- Trash: Oro
- Triangle
- Turns off all alert screen flashes
- UBRS: Gorashan
- UBRS: Kyrak
- UBRS: Ragewing
- UBRS: Tharbek
- UBRS: Zaela
- under you
- Unknown
- Up
- Usage
- Use Constant Color
- Uses |cffffd200Icon %s|r
- Uses |cffffd200Icon %s|r to |cffffd200Icon %s|r
- Utils
- version
- version
- Version
- Version
- Version Check
- Vertical Offset
- Vertical position of the icon
- Warning Anchor
- Warning Bars
- Warning Messages
- Warning popups
- Weakened
- Website
- Whelps incoming
- Width
- Windows
- Windows
- yards
- You can add your own sound label. Each sound label is associated with a certain sound file. Consult SharedMedia's documentation if you would like to add your own sound file. After adding a sound label, it will appear in the Sound Label list. You can then select a sound file to associate with it. Subsequently, the sound label will be available in the encounter options
- You can change the sound labels (ALERT1, ALERT2, etc.) to any sound file in SharedMedia. First, select one to change
- You can fire local or raid bars. Local bars are only seen by you. Raid bars are seen by you and raid members; You have to be a raid officer to fire raid bars
- You can output warning messages many different ways and they will only be seen by you. If you don't want to see these then click |cffffd200'None'|r
- You can remove custom sounds labels. Select a sound label from the dropdown and then click remove
- You can send encounters to the entire raid or to a player. You can check versions by typing |cffffd200/dxe %s|r or by opening the version checker from the pane
- You need to be a raid officer