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UploadedDec 25, 2015
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.3
tag v704
Maev81 <e.dias@live.com.pt>
2015-12-25 21:45:21 +0000
Tagging as v704
- Core:
---- Updated DBM and BigWigs fake versions.
---- Added flashing taskbar icon also for whispers and entering combat.
---- Tweaked Break code.
---- Fixed sometimes world bosses module couldn't be loaded.
---- Added support for reverse raid icon marking.
- Hellfire Citadel:
---- HellfireAssault: Fixed "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'delta' (a string value)" error.
---- HellfireAssault: Changed default sound for Incinerate Interrupt inform warning.
---- IronReaver: Tweaked Artillery tracking and improved some radar range.
---- Kormrok: Added missing Residue tracking and tweaked Mythic code.
---- FelLordZakuun: Tweaked Seed of Destruction Mythic.
---- Gorefiend: Added new inform alert for Shadow of Death on you and a center bar of 5s for better knowing when you will enter the stomach.
---- Council: Tweaked Mythic code.
---- TyrantVelhari: Added missing spell id for Edict of Condemnation for Mythic (thanks Tom65789).
---- Xhulhorac: Tweaked cooldowns.
---- Mannoroth: Tweaked cooldowns and added raid icon marking for Mark of Doom and Wrath of Guldan.
---- Archimonde: Fixed announce countdown for Nether Banish.
---- Archimonde: Added tracking for Mythic Overfiend spawn and cooldown.
---- Archimonde: Added tracking for Touch of Shadows cooldown and inform warning alert.
---- Archimonde: Fixed alot of cooldowns in Mythic.
---- Archimonde: Improved radar for Shadow Burst.
---- Archimonde: Added tracking for Desecration/Light of the Naaru.
---- Archimonde: Added 10 yards radar for Mark of the Legion.